52 // just you and me

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just you and me

CHAPTER FIFTY-TWOjust you and me•••

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I was busy. I hadn't been able to even speak Oakley since Christmas, when he called to complain about his family. Usually, it would've been fine. He'd text me somewhere during the day, and I'd reply right before bed or early in the morning.

But this time, he didn't text me. Even after me messaging him first, he'd leave me on delivered.

"Maybe he's just busy too?" Ava suggested. We didn't have time to hang out much since she left the day after Christmas. I hadn't seen or spoken Keith at all. Either he was avoiding me, or he had yet again another crush. It wasn't anything new.

"Have you heard anything of Keith?" I asked, in an attempt to steer the conversation in another direction. I wasn't one of the relationship talk, unlike Ava herself.

"No, I'm guessing he met someone again," she said. Ava hated it when Keith disappeared for one of his crushes. Mainly because all of his past relationships had been shit. They were always obsessive or they fetishized him.

"Last time he actually spoke to me, it was for girl advice," I mentioned.

"Of course." She sighed. "At least you still talk to me sometimes."

By the sounds of it, I wasn't giving her enough attention either.

"Ava, I promise we'll hang out together like old times again. Just the three of us."

"It's fine. I'm not all alone. I made a few new friends here."

"Oh. Okay," I said. It was a good thing, right? Though the way she said it made me feel a certain way, and I couldn't exactly place it.

"So about your boyfriend, why don't you just go to his house?" she asked, sounding chirpy and happy as always.

"I can't," I said. The idea alone made shivers roll down my spine. I wasn't ready to meet the whole family and that shit. I needed to find a way to help myself first. I nearly bailed on the photoshoots because I once again felt like I was having a heart attack. 'Luckily' my mom happened to be home for once and dragged my ass over there. I was shaking during the entire shoot.

"Why not?"

"Because..." I started before the doorbell saved me. "Gotta go. I'll talk to you later, alright?" I said hastily.

I hung up before Ava had the chance to say something. I took a few deep breaths as I made my way to the front door. And once at the door, I waited a few moments to see who's there.

"Hi," Oakley said as I opened the door.

"I hate you," I deadpanned, crossing my arms.

"Please, let me in?" he asked with a sheepish smile.

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