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Ethan Schweitzer was dead tired, but proud of his accomplishments. He had been in constant motion since the death of General Sampson and he finally thought things were secure enough for him to relax and get a full night’s sleep for once. Ethan made a quick decision to stop work early this evening and eat a good meal before getting to bed early. It was already dark outside, but the electrical lights kept the night at bay.

He reached over and pushed a button which rang a buzzer down the hall. A uniformed aide appeared several moments later. “Yes, Mister President,” he said.

“Tonight I would like beef ravioli in a white cream sauce. Also, a glass of Chianti,” said Ethan after some deliberation.

“Very good, Mister President,” said the man. “Would you like anything while it is being prepared, perhaps some fresh bread with butter?”

“No, that is all,” said Ethan dismissively.

The aide walked backwards out of the room and closed the door quietly behind him. They were all scared of him now, and that was just the way Ethan wanted it. They had reason to be scared. He would not hesitate to destroy any of them if they got in his way or threatened his vision of his future. Most men would probably justify their ambition and actions by saying it was best for the people or the country or society. Not Ethan, he knew his ambitions and his current position were about him. He was not embarrassed by this knowledge.

Everything was shaping up nicely. The tribute paid to the JP had been difficult to stomach, but it was worth it to get the electricity back on and secure peace. Besides, he felt confident that they would get the territory back they had lost and reverse roles with the JP. It may not happen immediately, but it would happen. Ethan already had plans in the works and he almost always got what he wanted given time.

He was very pleased with the way the JP elections had gone. Not only was General Anderson out of power, but now that sanctimonious Reggie Philips was gone from the picture as well. Paul Campbell was not initially happy about running for the office, or campaigning in the manner that Ethan directed, but what choice did he have? Ethan had Campbell’s only son.

Finding his son had really been a matter of chance. The boy was on the way home from the University of Memphis on N-Day. He was just far enough north of the city so he didn’t die instantly, but he did sustain a near lethal dose of radiation. The boy made his way north through the chaos to a refugee camp before falling unconscious. Ethan’s man at the camp later scanned the boy’s driver’s license and sent it to the intelligence analysts who checked the name against their database. Ethan ordered the boy to be saved, he thought it might be useful to have such leverage over someone in the JP, and he had been right. Paul Campbell did what he was told to do, and he would continue to do so as long as Ethan held his son.

Ethan’s biggest challenge was not to become impatient. He could make the new JP President do whatever he wanted, but for him to do too much might raise suspicion. No, he would be patient and bide his time. The right moment would come, he had no doubt, possibly when those crazy Missouri Alliance boys decided to push eastward. Ethan sent out diplomatic messages to them which were received haughtily, but the purpose of the messages was accomplished. They were now aware of the JP and coveted her resources. When they attacked the JP, Ethan could come in to help the JP and finally seize everything to combine the two countries. The power would then be all his.

There came a light knock on the door after which the aide entered followed by two chefs. The first set the steaming plate of food down in front of Ethan along with silverware, and they laid a cloth napkin across his lap before stepping back. The other man moved forward to show Ethan the bottle of wine. After a quick glance he nodded, and the man opened the bottle. He poured a small amount in a crystal glass which Ethan tasted. Not great, but it would do, he told himself, everyone must sacrifice after all. He nodded and the man poured a full glass, set the bottle down and stepped back. They watched Ethan expectantly as he tried the ravioli. It was perfect, and he nodded to the three men who withdrew in obvious relief, closing the door behind them.

He wasn’t sure exactly what he would do to these men if his meal was messed up, but their own imaginations certainly had conceived torturous ends. Fear inspired some men to greatness, thought Ethan, as he took another bite of the wonderful pasta.

Fear and control, those were the keys to everything now. Ethan understood that and planned to make the most of those tools. It was all his now and he wanted to keep it. Not only that, but he would take everything else he could.

Patience though, he told himself. Timing was critical to maximizing opportunities.

Thinking about the future got Ethan’s heart racing and he decided that he would not go to bed early after all. He simply had too much to plan for and too much to do. It was a new world and Ethan planned to be king of it.

He smiled as he sipped his wine.


Thank you for reading Glimmer of Hope, Book I of the Land of Tomorrow Trilogy. If you enjoyed this work, please check out the second and third books: Children of Wrath and Paths of Righteousness. Both ebooks are available at most online bookstores.

Ryan King

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