Chapter 41: So That Happened

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Epona's POV:

I was sitting in my seat next to Harry when I pulled the report card out of my bag. I've been dreading looking at it since we got the two days ago, but Hermione finally convinced me to.

I opened the letter, and grinned. I spoke excitedly right as Fred and George joined the compartment.

"Guys! I got a C in Potions!" Fred and George high-fived me, and Hermione, Ron and Harry told me good job.

"What'd you get on your other subjects?" Hermione asked.

I looked back at the paper, "Mostly B's. Though I think that's because I still have a lot to catch up on despite being in a fourth year class. I think I'm going to do some studying over the break."

Ron groaned, "Oh no, you're not turning into Hermione, are you? I thought you knew how to have a good time?" He said jokingly, and Hermione punched him in the arm.

I laughed, "Oh please, at least Hermione is a straight A student. I think we could all take a page out of her book" I winked at Hermione, "Not literally of course."

She snickered, and I got up, "Well, I'm going to head to the bathroom to make sure I don't throw up on anyone from motion sickness." 

I left my seat and started walking towards the bathroom when Phineas cut off my path. I shuddered.

"Hey, babe. How are you feeling?" He asked.

I made my face show nothing, despite the bit of fear I have, "I'm fine."

"Really? Last time we talked you seemed pretty shaken up. I mean, you screamed at me. Didn't think I was that ugly." He laughed.

My nose twitched, and for a flash of a moment I was disgusted, "Not everything is about you." 

His laughter stopped, and he looked me dead in the eye, "What?"

And I stared back, not backing down this time, "You heard me. My friend died last month. And here you are, making it about you. Like you always do. I witnessed my friend die right in front of my fucking eyes, and you have the audacity to say that I insulted you?"

He scoffed, "Stop throwing a pity party."

I just laughed, my eyes wide, "Pity party? Me? Oh my god, you're so full of yourself. And right now, I can't deal with your bullshit. So if you would excuse me, I need to get to the bathroom."

He scowled, "No. Apologize, right now. Then you can go." He had grabbed my shoulder.

Then, a hand grabbed his shoulder, and a voice growled, "I think you should leave, Brown."

It was Cassia. Phineas threw his hand off of me and shoulder checked me, walking away. I held my shoulder, which was now in pain.

She gave me a worried look, "Are you okay, Effie?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Just relationship problems."

She sighed, "I never understood why people have those. It just seems complicated." 

I raised an eyebrow, "You've never been in a relationship?"

"Uh-uh. I'm a flirt, yeah, but I've never been attracted to anyone in really any way. Maybe this one girl when I was ten, but that was I really wanted to cuddle her." Cassie shrugged.

"Oh." I then saw Draco out of the corner of my eye and I smiled a bit.

She smirked, "I didn't get your hopes up, did I?"

I laughed, then her eyes widened, "August was right."

I raised an eyebrow again, confused, and she continued, "You are so into Draco Malfoy."

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