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shit is about to go down.


Being the first to react, Nicolo reached under his desk and pulled out two hand guns, passing them over to the twins before grabbing another and handing it to Alessio.

"Take Atlas and Ainsley to the safe room down the hall. Shoot anyone in your sight and shoot to kill, we're not loosing anyone tonight understand?"

They nodded and headed out the room.

Demitri and Adriano ran across the room and opened the liquor cabinet, reaching behind the glass bottles and grabbing the guns hidden there.

"Since when we're your firearms hidden there?" Dante asked, catching the extra magazine that was tossed to him from across the room.

"Not sure." Nicolo answered shortly, tucking knives into his waist-holster and tossing another gun to Gianni before he ran out the room and started firing.

Meanwhile, Alessio cautiously lead the group down the hall. Atlas and Ainsley stayed close behind him while the twins trailed along in the back, making sure no one approached from behind.

Guard up and guns ready, Elias and Giovanni stood guard outside the fake spare bedroom. Inside the closet was a hidden door that lead to the safe room and Alessio ushered them both inside. Before he closed the hidden door, Atlas called out for him.

Alessio opened the door a bit just for it to be pushed open wide. Before he could brace himself, he was almost knocked off his feet by the twins hold around his torso.

"Be careful Dad. We love you." Ainsley muffled, gripping him tighter.

Wrapping his arms around both their shoulders, Alessio gave them both a kiss to the crown of their heads before pulling back and crouching down a bit.

"I love you too. Stay in here and please do not come out, I'll be back in a bit." He gave them a quick hug before ushering them back into the safe room, closing and locking the door behind them.

Stepping out of the room, Alessio sent an strained look to Eli and Gio before glancing down the hall. "Are you sure you don't want to go in there with them?"

They glanced at each other before answering simultaneously, "We're g-"

Their sentence was cut off by another round of gunshots.

The three men froze momentarily before Elias snapped out of it and cocked his gun.
"We don't have time for this." He muttered, taking off down the hall with Gio and Alessio close behind.

Blood stains and bullet holes littered the walls, dead bodies lied on the floors, windows were shattered, furniture was broken.

In short, the house was a mess.

Nicolo grunted as Dante removed the bullet from his arm, taking a swig of Whiskey as it was disregarded on the floor.

"You're lucky this bullet was in one piece."

Nicolo sighed and placed the bottle down. "I know."

While Dante tended to his elder brothers wound, Demitri, Elias, and Gianni stood to the other side of the room.

Alexei had sent men to raid the house and even when the Ferrari men had successfully took out all 40-some of them, they definitely didn't make it out unscathed.

Their ears were ringing, Gianni and Dante were grazed by bullets and by the end Giovanni almost passed out in exhaustion. Surprisingly, Nicolo was the only one who had managed to actually get shot.

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