Chapter 2

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I was still shocked at the fact that I had a twin brother that I never knew about let alone a brother. At this moment, I was feeling shocked, happy, and disappointed.  I never thought that the Nathan Sykes of the famous band, The Wanted, was my twin brother. Now it all makes sense, my friends were right about Nathan Sykes being related to me.

“I’ll go get the birth certificates.” My mom said. She got up and left the room to get the birth certificates.

“Why didn’t you tell us before?” We asked at the same time.

My dad took a deep breath in and began. “You see, when we divorced, you were both too young to remember.  Your mother and I were starting to doubt our relationship and instead of shouting and yelling at each other, we divorced. I took Kate to America a week after the divorce paper so I wouldn’t bump into your mom. When you were sixteen, Nathan went to join The Wanted so I thought it be safe for us to move back to England. After Katherine moved in with One Direction, I decided to work things out your mother and we did. We didn’t tell you because then you would be depressed because you couldn’t meet each other.”

Wow, that was shocking. I was mad at the fact that my parents didn’t tell us earlier. If they told me when I was about sixteen or seventeen then we could try to make it work for us to treat each other like siblings, but now I’m nineteen and I’m engaged to Niall.

“I’m back.” My mom announced and she took a seat. She placed the birth certificate on the table and slid it over to us.

I look over at Nathan’s birth certificate which was similar to mine except the name and gender. He studied the certificate carefully and fist pumped when he saw time of birth. He was older than me by two minutes. Oh great, now he’s going to go overprotective- brother mode.

“Well we’re going grocery shopping. Do you kids need anything?” My dad asked.

“Nope, we’re good.”I said at same time as Nathan.

They left us in dining room with the car keys. Once they left, we left the dining room to find the others. We walked towards the back door where their voices were getting louder as we took a step closer. I opened the door and I saw all of five of them playing football. Jay was the first to notice us and stopped the game.

“You guys are back. So what’s the news and why is Niall Horan here?” Jay asked.

“He’s my fiancé.” I pointed to Niall. “And he’s my twin brother.” I pointed to Nathan. Silence filled the air.

“So Nathan has a twin?” Siva spoke up.

“Isn’t that what I said ten seconds?” I asked back. Tom and Max were whispering something between each other and laughed when they’re done.

“What’s so funny?” Nathan asked.

“It’s just that Nathan has a twin who is getting married while he can’t get a decent girlfriend and to make it funnier, Nathan is the heartthrob of the band.” Tom said laughing so hard between each word. Everyone except for Nathan started laughing as well.

“At least I still have Jay.” Nathan pointed out.

“Yeah! Jaythan forever!” Jay exclaimed.

Nathan whispered something into my ear that would make the paparazzi go crazy. I nodded. “Well Nathan and I are going for a walk. If you need us, just give us a call.” I said. I went back in and grabbed my phone and wallet then put it in my hoodie pocket.

“Are you ready?” Nathan asked.

“Sure am.” I replied. Our plan was to walk around town hopping the paparazzi would catch us, and then we’d give each other hugs and kisses so they would think I was cheating on Niall when in reality he was my brother, twin to be exact. I held Nathan’s hand and strolled through Gloucester.

 “So Nathan, what was it like living with mum all these years?” I asked.

“She did raise me well even though it was quite hard, no dad to teach how to play football or how to man up but I did learn to do those things eventually.”He said kicking a can on the street. “What about you?”

“Dad was a great man; he managed to raise me to become a woman not a tomboy, which is surprising since he was having some difficulties. Growing up in a different country was cool, different people, it’s a good thing I still have my British accent.” I replied.

We kept talking about ourselves while walking. The part of Gloucester that we lived in was mainly houses so we didn’t use any money except for buying ice-cream. We found a small park and laid down there on the grass watching little kids playing. Most people if they saw us they’d think were dating and that’s what we want the paparazzi to think of us till they find out the truth.

I saw some bushes move and a smirk played on my lips. There was no more awkward tension between us, now we treated each other like normal siblings. I gave Nathan a kiss on the cheek and he gave me a kiss on the forehead in return. Nathan started tickling me and I was really ticklish. I knew I shouldn’t have told him my ticklish spots. He continued tickling me for about a good fifteen minutes before we left.

We went the same way we came. We’ve been gone for about two hours. I have feeling that the boys are going to interrogate us when we open the door or worse, a prank. We reached the front door, before I could open it; Nathan pulled me away and dragged me to the cellar door which wasn’t locked. We got in safely. We sneaked our way into the house and managed to sneak pass the others who were by the door waiting for us.

This gave me an idea for a prank.

My Twin Engaged to Niall Horan? (One Direction/ The Wanted)Where stories live. Discover now