Chapter 8 : Meetup

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Ray's grip on her phone tightened nervously, breaking out into a sweat

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Ray's grip on her phone tightened nervously, breaking out into a sweat. She looked out of the tainted car window, watching the passing paysage of fields, rocks and never-ending sea. The weather was perfect, at least for Britain, only a few white clouds hanging on the blue sky and it being relatively warm outside.

Finally, after a very quick five minutes, the vehicle pulled up beside a cute-looking ice cream shop on the edge of Brighton.

Ray was brought back into reality as the uber driver turned in his seat, an annoyed look on his face. "Miss, that will be 15 pounds." 

"Huh? Oh, right, sorry." The girl scrambled, digging into the pocket of her messenger bag and taking out her wallet. She looked right past the couple of debit and credit cards and took out the only 20 that she had on her. "Keep the change."

And the driver could only raise a surprised eyebrow as Ray hurried out of the car.

As the vehicle drove away, the girl took a deep breath as she eyed the place.

It was a basic, cutesy ice cream shop. The aura was very inviting and calm and made Ray feel... a little less nervous. She could see a couple of children with their parents inside, seeing them run around with huge ice cream cones in their tiny hands. 

Ray looked down at the outfit she had randomly pieced together, wondering whether it will fit in with an atmosphere like this.

Ray looked down at the outfit she had randomly pieced together, wondering whether it will fit in with an atmosphere like this

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'Just go in, you're gonna be fine.'
Ray encouraged herself, walking up to the entrance and pushing the door open.

As soon as she stepped foot into the establishment, all alarms went off.

'Nope nope nope I'm not gonna be fine.'
She swallowed hard as her eyes scanned the space.

Despite it being and absolutely beautiful mid-day, there was almost no traffic at the ice cream shop. Except a few families and teens hanging around, there weren't many more people. That's why Ray could easily spot the grown-out dark brown hair, along with the loud, contagious laughter that sounded through the entire space. 

Gripping onto her messenger bag and an anxious sweat appearing on her forehead, she took a deep determined breath before walking over towards the table.

"And then Tommy said-" Toby was almost crying of laughter before he was politely interrupted.

"Excuse me?" 

The two people sitting at the table turned their heads to find a young girl standing over them, awkwardly holding holding her messenger bag. They paused for a second before Toby jumped up, a look of surprise on his face.

"Ray?" He asked, voice cracking.

"Uhm, yeah, hi." The girl raised her hand whilst smiling very terribly.

An uncomfortable silence arose between them and the tension could be cut with a knife. 

But the other girl at the table quickly interrupted it, standing up with a bright beam on her face. "Hello! My name's Lani, I'm Toby's sister!" She exclaimed, extending a hand.

"Hey, I'm Ray. Nice to meet you." The other girl smiled a little more comfortably, shaking the younger's hand.

Toby then invited her to sit down and they ordered some ice creams before falling into conversation.

"So, how long are you staying here?" The boy asked Ray.

"Oh, like two more days. School starts next week and I really need some new school supplies." The girl took a bite out of her ice cream cone.

"Right, I forgot about that." Toby whined.

"Don't worry, just one more year! Then you can go off and live with Tommy all you like." Lani shooed him away.

Ray raised an eyebrow. "You're planning to live with Tommy?"

"It's just an idea, none of us are really serious about it." Toby laughed out. "Though I'd like to. He's like literally my best friend."

"Yeah, yeah." The girl chuckled, taking a sip out of the apple juice she had ordered. "You seem to have a really close friendship."

"Something like that. That's why I'm still very sorry about Tommy, he hasn't been himself lately."
"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault." Ray shook her head. "Our personalities just don't match I guess."

"It's weird, usually Tommy can get along with everyone." Toby pointed out, but was quickly shut down by the girl's glare. "Sorry, sorry, didn't mean it like that."

"Can we for once not talk about Tommy? I really want to finish this ice cream and get out of here, it's really cold!" Lani whined.

"Can we for once not talk about Tommy? I really want to finish this ice cream and get out of here, it's really cold!" Lani whined

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Wow what happened on the dsmp wasn't at all what I had expected lol

Just enjoy my makeshift storyline

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