21.Quidditch Game

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After the incident during the dueling club I found out that Potter wasn't the only Parselmouth, I was too. It was weird I always knew that I could talk with animals, but this, this was different, and in a bad way. I mean it was great that I can talk freely to snakes without touching them but the problem was that now everyone thinks that I or Potter are the heir of the Slytherin. I for sure know that I have nothing to do with Salazar but I can't say the same for Potter.

Of course, me being the person who tends to stick my nose where it doesn't belong, decided to go and investigate. I found Potter in the library with Hermione and Weasley, so if I got caught I could always say that I was looking for Hermione. After a few minutes upon my arrival, Hermione started talking about the Polyjuice potion.

"Why in the name of Merlin where are they searching for that... that is one hell of a potion it takes almost a whole month to make and it is extremely difficult to find all ingredients. " I got lost in my thoughts that I haven't realized that they were long gone.


Exactly two weeks passed since the dueling club and my nerves were on edge because today is my first game against Gryffindor. While my team was really confident that they are going to win but somehow I couldn't shake that awful feeling that something is going to happen. But even if I was scared that I will mess something up and that they will kick me out of the team, I still didn't want others to see that so I took a deep breath and dressed for the big game. Even if my dressing room was separated from the boys I still could hear them loud and clear. They were southing so loudly that I was able to hear every single word. Flint was the loudest of them all, he encouraged his team by telling them how bad the other team is and what were the best ways to knock someone out. I am amazed at how thick-headed they can be sometimes, I mean they aren't that bad once you get to know them, but seriously why can't they just go on the field and play by the rules while not trying to kill someone or force someone to lose arm or leg.

Not long after that, we were called out to the field and the game started.

It took us just a few seconds to take the ball and score the first point. I mean when you look past all that cheating we are actually a really skilled and talented team. Flint was one of the best, and no matter how much I hate him I just can't say that he doesn't know how to play. But if we continue to rely on just brute strength we are going to kill someone.

We were all in positions that we practiced during training so I was able to easily follow my teammates. Even though I was on the team boys still didn't trust me enough to let me try to score, so whenever I had a ball in my hands they tried to take it from me. So much about playing like a team. But somehow I don't judge them, I mean have you seen the girls in my dorm, they can't even lift a pen without casting a spell, no wonder they think that girls aren't strong enough to play Quidditch.

My dad taught me how to ride a broom the moment I was able to cast my first spell so I am confident enough to say that I'm pretty skilled on a broom, so I decided to use my knowledge and show them what I'm capable of.

Finally, after half an hour I finally got the quaffle and no Slytherins were near me. Few Gryffindor chasers tried to block me but I was able to easily get past them I was almost near the scorning hoop when a buldger flew right in front of my face. I was so focused on players that I didn't notice the bulger. I really need to pay attention to my surroundings or I will lose my head.

I scored this one, and the next and with Flint's help, we scored the third one too. We were leading and by the look of it, we were going to win. We just needed Draco to catch the snitch, but he and Potter were nowhere to be found so I just kept myself focused on my part of the game.

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