[3] Tennis

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George turned over to try and see what the source of the sad sound.


He couldn't see in the dark, but it as clear that someone was crying on the other side of the room.

He hesitantly got up, and slowly shuffled to the others bedside.

"Hey, you OK?" George gently put a hand on the covered up Clay, who was under his comforter.

"Huh?" Clay moved the blanket away from his face, revealing his puffy red eyes.

"You alright?" 


"Hmm..." George wasn't convinced. Clay knew he wasn't very confusing.

"Its just..." Clay began, trying not to start tearing up again "I-I don't like making people sad...and I keep thinking that I was being selfish in breaking up with her...I shouldn't have broken up with her just because I didn't like her anymore...I'm so stupid..." Clay hid his face in his covers again.

"No! Don't say that! It's not your fault that you lost feelings, and you should certainly not feel like this just because you made ONE person sad, and I'm sure she'll get over it." Clay looked up at George "Besides, she seemed like a bitch anyways..."

Clay let a small laugh escape his lips at the last comment.

"Y-yeah she was kinda..."

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," George reached for the tissues and passed Clay one.  

"Thanks.." He wiped the tears out of his eyes and smiled.

"No problem...do you want to talk any more about it?"

Clay though for a moment.

"Yes please.."

George sat down on the bed next to Clay and found himself putting an arm around his shoulders. Clay relaxed a bit at his touch.

"Well, she asked me out, and I said yes because loads of people were around and I didn't want to embarrass her...We went out for about a month and then I realised I didn't even like her, and I didn't want to lie to her every time she said "I love you", so I broke up with her, and...yeah..."

"You only went out for a month? The way she ran out that door made it look like you were practically getting a divorce."

"Haha, yeah...she was one for drama...bit annoying really."

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you lose feelings?"

"I don't know...I just didn't want to lie to her..."

"Hmm..." George comforted Clay by slowly stroking circles on his back.

"Thank you, I feel much better now." Clay looked a George.

"Any time."


George was awoken by a gentle tapping on the top of his head.

"H-huh? W-what?" George rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"George its time to get up!" Clay giggled.

George sat up and grabbed his phone to check the time.

"Oh shit!" He jumped out of bed and almost toppled onto Clay.

"Wow there! You've still got time for a shower! If you're quick!"

"Y-yeah sorry! He grabbed his clothes and ran into the bathroom.

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