- four -

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Aria Rowen

"—it was fucking hot... that's what it was!" Dylan screamed at me from across her bedroom.

They'd been going on about the stunt I pulled in Potions for the past 30 minutes as if it was some power move, when in reality I was just fed up. All I did was drop a paper... not much to it.

"Give me a break..." I tapped the lit cigarette I was holding against the edge of the open window where I was seated, watching as tiny ashes fell and floated into the wind, "-someone would've done it eventually."

"Yeah, but when you do it it's way cooler," Indy let out a breath of smoke before putting her cigarette out in the ashtray by the door.

"Sure it is..." I scoffed and brought my knees closer to my chest. The frigid air that blew in my face and harshly hit my skin felt refreshing, as if it was giving me something to feel other than emptiness.

"Would you shut the damn window? I have to sleep in here tonight and I don't want to freeze to death!" Dylan scurried over and pulled me down roughly, causing my body to thud against the thin pile of pillows and blankets on the floor.

She slammed the window shut and locked it before returning to where she'd been sitting on her bed.

I rolled over so that I was upwards again, looking into the room. Dylan and I were some of the few students lucky enough to have our own dorms, therefore giving our group a private place to hang out.

A loud knock- well, more like a banging noise sounded at the door, and we all made eye contact with each other, probably thinking the same question... who was gonna get up and get it.

Jenna let out a huff and stood up, walking over and opening the door a tiny bit to peek out, but she immediately shut it again. "I think the fuck not..."

"Who was-"

"Open the door before I open it myself," The strong and booming voice of Luke Carrow sounded from the other side and I watched as a brief wave of fear flashed through Indy's eyes.

The Gryffindor girl jumped up, but Jenna grabbed her before she could reach the door to open it.

"I have to let him in!" Jenna slapped a hand over Indy's mouth to keep her from yelling, just as Dylan hopped off of her bed.

"It's my dorm. I decide who comes in..." Dylan tied her hair into a bun on top of her head before approaching the door.

I continued to watch from my side of the room, knowing what was about to go down. I'd learned by now not to intervene.

Jenna removed her hand from Indy's mouth and turned her so that she was looking her in the eyes. "Look at me- hey- I'm gonna need you to shut the fuck up for two minutes, okay?"

Indy reluctantly nodded.

Jenna was probably the only one of us who was able to get into her head. She grabbed Indy's arm and dragged her to the bathroom, locking the two of them inside.

I looked up at Dylan who sighed before opening the door.

Luke stood outside, his hand gripping the top of the doorway as he peered into the room over Dylan's head.

"Where's my girlfriend?" His eyes scanned the room, obviously not spotting her as he'd hoped.

"Not here, now get the hell away before I make you..." Dylan sent him a glare as his gaze landed on me.

I gave an emotionless stare back until he finally turned away, giving Dylan the chance to slam the door on him. "Fucking asshole..." She locked it back before going back to her bed.

"Cost is clear-" I called out, listening as a click sounded and the bathroom door opened.

Jenna and Indy walked out, and I could tell that Jenna had probably given her another pep talk about how amazing she was and that she didn't need someone like him.

We tried to help, we really did, but the effort had to go two ways. If Indy wasn't willing to comply, then there wasn't much use in taking Luke out of her life ourselves- she would just go running back to him after he emotionally manipulates her.

Pretty fucked up, right?

We all were, so I guess it wasn't our right to call someone else out when we don't even know how to fix ourselves...




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