35: From Iida to Midoriya

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The teachers were in a meeting the the UA building while the press rampaged outside.

"When are you going to open the gates?"

"We hear your silence! When can we expect an official statement from UA's administration?"

"Has anyone been in contact with the families of the children you've allowed to be endangered?"

<Meanwhile Inside>

The teachers were sitting at a U shaped table. Nezu was at the head while Midnight and Toshi sat on one side while Snipe and Mic sat on the other.

"That training camp was meant to prepare students to handle villain attacks. The irony is shameful." Nezu started. "We knew the League would resurface. But we lacked the fundamental understanding of their plans. They aim to destroy hero society. And they've already started their war."

"Even if we had understood, could we really have avoided this attack?" Midnight questioned. "They're moving pieces we didn't even know they possessed. Besides, All Might put an end to most organized crime. We're all rusty."

"We've definitely gotten complacent during peaceful times without realizing it. I guess deep down all of us thought that we'd be riding the sweet life for good." Mic said.

"I will never forgive myself." Toshi said with a depressing aura around him. "While our students were fighting for their lives, I was just having a relaxing soak in the bath."

"We shouldn't've had the sports festival right after the USJ attack." Snipe argued in a calm tone. "We wanted to show we were still strong. To have a student kidnapped is our greatest failure as not only teachers, but her family as well. They've taken Rin and society's faith in heroes away from us."

"I agree." Nezu agreed. "Every new outlet is currently condemning UA High. If Bakugo was also one of the main targets it's likely because the villains noticed his violent tendencies, along with Rin's knowledge in combat during the sports festival broadcast. If she ends up joining the side of the villains...that will be the end of UA as a school."

"With all do respect Principal Nezu. We all know Rin and her morals, it won't be likely that she joins the side of the villains." Midnight argued.

"That is true. However, she is the host of a simbyote that turned an innocent man into an ani-hero." Nezu argued.

"On that topic. There's something I've been thinking about lately." Mic started and turned away from the other pro heroes. "There's a traitor at this school. Only the teachers and the Pussycats knew where the training camp would be. Don't you think that's a little suspicious? I guess a kid could've used their phone to message a villain, but-"

"Stop this, Mic." Midnight argued.

"What's the problem?" The blonde questioned, more like argued. "We have to find who the leak is!"

"Could be you for all we know." Snipe said calmly. "You got any proof hat you're 100 percent innocent? Can we know that everyone in this room is an ally?" Mic sat back down in his chair and groaned. "If we start doubtin' each other, we'll destroy ourselves from the inside. Causing a traitor isn't somethin' we should take lightly."

"At the very least, I trust everyone sitting at this table. Thought there's also no way for me to prove to all of you that I am innocent." Nezu stated. "For the moment what we must do as  school is concentrate on guaranteeing the safety of our student body. This is a good time to implement something I've wanted to put in place for a while. You see I-"

Nezu was cut off my All Might's phone ringing in his All Might voice 'A phone call is here!'

"Excuse me, everyone, I have to take this." He stood and walked out the door while Midnight deadpanned

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