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 When the chapter begins, play 'Mr. Brightside' by The Killers

When you see two asterisks (**) play All Mine by Plaza 


Eren you slick son of a bitch.

I'd been bamboozled. Deceived. Swindled. He tricked me into coming to his concert, and not only that. As the lights flashed and the music played, I realized I recognized yet another face on the stage. It was Jean- he looked to be the lead singer and second guitarist. It all made sense now, why Eren was at his party in the first place, and why Jean asked him to play beer pong. I mentally face palmed, realizing how easy those dots should've been to connect, of course they're best friends.

I looked over to Krista, seeing her head bang softly to the music. I leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "Eren's the bassist?!"

She looked at me and smirked. "Yeah! I thought you knew! That's why I like this band so much!"

Even more things clicked inside my head- this was such a setup. I laughed, mostly because he had me completely fooled, and utterly clueless. That stupid smirk on Eren's face when I asked why he didn't want the tickets made complete sense now.

Still, even more so now, I was still drawn to him. Watching his fingers pluck the strings with precision, the music blaring in my ears, I could only feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach. He was mesmerizing to watch, how after every song he'd take a sip out of his water bottle, or how during the chorus he'd harmonize into the secondary mic, and the muscles in his neck would stretch and strain.

I made sure to enjoy myself, to make the most of this beyond odd situation. I danced with Krista, bouncing alongside the crowd, and screaming the lyrics as loud as we could. At times others bodies would rub against my own, but I didn't care. The excitement from the music made me forget all reason.

But, it came to an end, as all good things have to do. With one last song, that felt like it was louder than all the others, their set came to an end. My adrenaline started to make me crash, exhaustion from moving to much catching up to me. The drums rang out excessively, and Jean thanked the crowd, marking the end to their performance.

I swear I made contact with Eren just before he walked backstage, after all, I had my eyes on him almost the entirety of the night. The stage lights dimmed, and the regular ceiling lights shone, guiding people to the exit. But, Krista tugged on my shirt, catching my attention.

"Psssst!" she whispered, not wanting anyone around to hear. "Come on!"

Her words confused me, but I did as she asked. Krista held her grip on my sleeve, guiding me against the current of the crow, towards the front of the venue. Suddenly, we arrived upon a curtain, which was tended to by the same bouncer who'd led us inside, waving us down. He looked at us, his stature being much taller than my own.

"This way please, ladies." The man said once we approached him.

This guy's balls must be in his feet. I thought, hearing how unbelievably deep his voice was.

The man was courteous enough to hold the curtain open for us as we entered. It seemed to be a sort of backstage space, with short stairs coming down from the stage to the immediate left, and a long hallway leading into a rather large room at the end.

"Krista, what's going on?" Asked, stopping in my tracks before we could reach the room.

She was pulled to a halt as well, turning back to see me.

"Oh sorry!" The blond exclaimed. "That bouncer guy is an old family friend,"  I gave her a skeptical look, still wondering what we were doing here.

"So... what are we doing back here?" I urged her, a nervous smile breaking out onto my face.

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