chapter one: diagon alley

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"Raven! Wake up! Cmon!" Yelled the brown haired boy, shaking his twin as his glasses sliding down his nose.

Raven groaned and pushed his brothers hand away.

"Cmon! Aren't you excited we are going to Hogwarts!?" The younger twin asked energetically.

"Hm?" Raven hummed sleepily.

"Have you forgotten what happened last night?" The brown headed boy teased.

Raven got up, seeing the half giant Hagrid.

"Oh! How could I forget Harry?"
Raven laughed, fully awake now.

The boy remembered that last night, Hagrid had come to get them from the Dursley's, to take the to a magic school called Hogwarts. The boys had also learned the truth about their parents, and boy was it a lot to take in that they were practically famous for surviving a deadly curse.

"Ready to go get yer school supplies?" The half giant asked, causing Harry to grin, as his brother rubbed his eyes standing up.

"Yes!" The twins said in sync.

As they entered through an 'amazing' brick wall. They were informed by Hagrid that they had to stop at the bank. Both boys were a bit disappointed at first, until they saw the magical bank. It was absolutely huge and it was beautiful!

"Woah..." Harry stated in awe.

"Holy shit I'm not still dreaming..." his raven haired twin said, his mouth hanging open.

Harry stepped on his foot.


"Language Raven." Harry scolded his twin.

To Raven's luck, Harry was the only one who heard.

On the way to the boy's parents vault, Hagrid made a stop to an eery looking vault. Grabbing both boys attentions.

"What's that you've got there Hagrid?" Raven asked curiously, as Hagrid picked up a very small package from inside the vault.

"That's top secret that is." Hagrid stated, causing Raven to frown. He wanted to know more about this top secret package.

Harry remained quiet as Hagrid pocketed the small package and they continued on their way to their parents vault.

When the money inside the vault was revealed, both Harry and Raven's mouths hung open. The vault held more gold coins than either of the boys had seen in their entire lives.

After taking a good and fair amount for both of the twins, Hagrid led them on their way to a place called Diagon Alley.

"It's amazing!" Harry exclaimed, walking the streets of the alley beside his brother and the half giant.

"It sure is..." Raven smiled softly, something he didn't do a whole lot.

After getting spellbooks, potions books, cauldrons, and all kinds of other books a first year at Hogwarts needs, Hagrid led them to the one and only Ollivanders.

"You two best get your wands over in ollivanders! I'll be right back I just gotta go pick up something." Hagrid said, leaving the Brunette and the Raven head by the old looking store.

"Well, lets get going then." Raven said, nudging Harry's side.

"Right." His brother agreed.

When the two arrived in the shop, they were greeted by a strange old man.

"Welcome to Ollivanders! Where the wand chooses the wizard!" He exclaimed to the twins.

"Hello there." Harry greeted, while his brother merely waved.

"Ah I see, it seems like just yesterday your parents were here getting their first wands." The older man said.

"You knew our parents?" Raven asked. His twin raising an eyebrow.

"Of course! I remember every wand I've ever sold." He said.

"Now, Mr.Potter!" He called, pulling out a long box with a beautiful wand inside.

"Yes." Both of the twins said in unison.

"Uh, Mr. Harry Potter." He clarified, laughing.

He handed Harry a wand, and told him to try it out, this resulted in Harry shattering a window.

"No, no definitely not." The wand seller said.

He handed another wand to Harry.
Raven watched carefully as his twin brother waved the wand around. Wind flew around the brunette with glasses, and sparks flew around him.

"Ah yes, curious, very curious." The man said.

"Sorry but what's curious?" Harry inquired.

"The core of that wand is a Phoenix feather, and that Phoenix only gave one other feather...and that was to the man who's name we do not speak of."

Harry and Raven looked at each other knowing, this man was talking about Voldemort.

"Anyway, now it's your turn Mr.Raven." He changed the subject, looking for another wand.

The first one was a dud for Raven, as was the second. He destroyed a shelf, and a portrait while trying out these wands, but the third wand stuck out.

As Raven waved the wand, black beautiful sparks flew from it its tip, and wind rushed around the taller twin.

"Ah, this one...also curious..."

"How so?" Raven asked.

His brother must've not like how he said that, as he lightly punched Raven in the arm as if saying 'don't be rude Raven.'

"This wand core is dragon heartstring, and the very same dragon gave to another wand, belonging to a very powerful, yet dangerous witch. I expect great things from both of you..." the old man said seriously, but then smiled and waved them off after they paid for the wands.

"Harry! Raven!" The two young brother turned to see Hagrid, holding a cage with a snowy owl in it, and another with a black cat inside.

"Happy birthday you two!" Hagrid said.

The twins must have thanked Hagrid a million times before they left diagon alley. Harry had gotten the snowy owl, naming it Hedwig. Raven had gotten the black cat, and he had named it Jinx.

Raven had always been a reader, an was excited to read as many of his school books, and all the enjoyable books as he could.

This year would be eventful for sure. Raven and Harry absolutely couldn't wait until they were at Hogwarts, and they soon would be.

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