16. the test

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Upon our return to Becca's lab, it was unsurprisingly unanimously decided that Baylis would indeed be used as our test subject.

Although it was evident that everyone was slightly uncomfortable with the idea, each of us knew it was our best shot at survival. Personally, I felt nauseous thinking about what we were about to do. But if this one life could save us all, then I would have to push aside my conscious for the time being.

I tried not to think about the process that was currently taking place downstairs. Abby, Jackson, Roan and Clarke were prepping Baylis to receive the bone marrow transplant. Within a matter of hours the test would begin.

I sat in the large office on the upper level, my knees pulled to my chest as I leaned into the couch, trying to provide myself with any comfort.

The door opening caused me to look up slightly, watching as the figure entered the room and position themselves in front of me.

"Hey." Murphy whispered, lowering himself so he could take a seat on the coffee table directly in front of the couch.

I gave him a small nod. "Hi."

"You okay?"

I let out an exhausted sigh. "I'm fine." I answered, trying to prevent my voice from wavering.

Murphy didn't say anything for a moment, just watched me carefully. I stared back at him, studying his expression. He was no where close to the same Murphy who had come down here with us.

"How's Emori?" I wondered, trying to divert the attention away from myself.

Murphy let out a small chuckle. "She's okay." he promised. "But that's not going to work, Collins. I came in here to check on you."

"Always the gentlemen." I muttered, balancing my chin on one of my knees. "I'm fine, John, really."

"Right." he nodded slowly, pursing his lips for a moment. "That's why you didn't say a single thing the whole way back from the house. And why you've cooped up in this office for the past two hours."

I glared at him, dropping my knees away from my body. "Who sent you in here?" I questioned harshly. "Raven? Abby? Clarke?"

Murphy didn't back down at my tone, he just lightly shook his head. "Look, Collins. I know you and I haven't always gotten along--"

"That's an understatement."

"--But you're kind of worrying me."

For one of the first times since I had met John Murphy, I heard sincerity in his voice. He actually cared.

I dropped my defenses, letting out shaky sigh. "I'm just tired of it all." I admitted quietly. "I'm tired of being scared. I'm tired of fighting everyday just to survive. I'm tired of people dying. I'm tired of us having to kill people just to ensure our own survival. I'm tired of being tired."

He nodded slowly, letting out a small sigh before speaking. "I wish I could say that everything will get better, but I'll be honest, I really have no idea what the hell is going to happen. But what I do know, is that that man down there has done bad things. So if he can save us all, why the hell not?"

I bit down on my lip, mulling over what Murphy had said. Maybe he was right. Maybe for once I needed to look at the bigger picture. "I hate to admit this," I murmured, looking up to him with a small smile. "But I think you're right."

Murphy let out a laugh as he stood up, extending his arm out. "Come on." he prodded. "I'll show you where you can sleep. God knows you need it."

I rolled my eyes, placing my hand into his and allowing him to pull me off the couch. "Chivalry really isn't dead, is it?"

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