Chapter 37

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Third person

Josh decided to stay the night. Quinn couldn't sleep so she went downstairs for a drink she saw a dark figure shadow in the kitchen. "Hello?" She whispered. He turned around and looked at her. It was Luke. "You scared me!" She whispered. He apologised. She walked over to the sink and got herself and drink.
Quinn: so what are you doing awake?
Luke: i just couldn't sleep, what about you?
Quinn: i just cant sleep, so I've been wanting to talk to you about clarity
Luke: clarity?
Quinn: yeah ya know like put the past behind us and move on
Luke: what are you on about?
Quinn: okay so what I'm trying to say is before we dated i really liked our friendship and i think it would be good for both of us
Luke: didn't we already have this conversation
Quinn: well yes but since then we both started dating different people i think that its kinda been awkward between us and I just think that it would be great if we can be bring back that friendship that we had before we started dating
Luke: did you get this off some sort of website or something
Quinn: can you just listen to what I'm trying to say
Luke: i know what your trying to say
Quinn: okay and what ya think?
Luke: but we never had a friendship, before we dated it was hatred. That hatred turned into love. There was never friendship
Quinn: yes there was
Luke: no there wasn't, what you think was 'friendship' was just us in love but not realising it yet
Quinn: ummm
Luke: friendships after breakups never work anyway
Quinn: yes they do
Luke: i just think its easier for both of us if we keep to ourselves
Quinn: okay Luke even we're not dating i still care about you and i miss having you there as my friend
Luke: Quinn! We're never going to be friends why cant you just accept that!
Quinn eyes teared up.
Quinn: fine, be like that. I just wanted to be your friends again
She ran back upstairs. Luke put his head in his hands. His thoughts were all over the place. He was just upset over earlier. She started crying in the bathroom. She wiped her tears and got back into bed. She cuddled up to Josh.

She woke up aggravated. Josh got up with her and they headed downstairs. Luke was lying on the couch. There was a bang. Quinn turned around and saw Wyatt lying at the bottom of the stairs. "You asshole" he yelled up the stairs. Carson was laughing so hard. "What happened?" Quinn questioned. "He pushed me down the stairs" Wyatt yelled. Quinn giggled. "You got pushed down the stairs" she laughed. "Okay you guys are acting like kids, come on lets go get breakfast" Quinn smiled. They all went out for breakfast.

A few days later................

Quinn heard a door bell ring. She jumped up and answered the door. Wyatt came in all stressed. "Luke hasn't been home in days I haven't seen him in days, he won't answer my call or texts and I'm worried" Wyatt said out of breath, you could hear the stress in his voice. "Ohh okay umm lets go look for him again. I'm so sick of him 'running away'" Quinn grabbed her skateboard. "Your gonna go out looking for him on that?" Wyatt mocked. " yes" Quinn smiled as she walked passed him. Carson and Wyatt went in separate cars to find him. This isn't the first time he's ran away, but Quinn had a little idea of where he went. She arrived at the cliff. He had mentioned a few times he's always wanted to bungee jump off the cliff. 'He's probably not here' she thought. She walked up the cliff. She saw this guy. "Hey have you seen a boy, tall, brown hair and eyes, annoying" Quinn asked. The man pointed over to the right. She walked down and saw Luke getting set up to jump. "Ya know out of all place I least expected you to be here, but ya never know when it comes to you and your crazy ideas" Quinn said. He looked at her. "Why are the one that's always finds me?" He groaned. "Cause i know how stupid you can be, maybe stoping running away so I don't have to keep finding you" she hissed. "nah ima jump" he smiled. "Please don't jump, let's just go Wyatt's worried and its getting dark." She demanded. "No" Luke laughed. "Luke please". "okay one condition". "what?". "Jump with me and ill come with you without a fight and never run away again". "I'm not gonna bungee jump of a cliff, are you crazy!" "Oh come on Quinn stop being a scaredy-cat" she thought for a moment. "you promise you will not run away again?". "I promise" he smiled. "Fine".

They strapped her up with Luke. They stood on the edge of a cliff. "I don't think I can do this" she stuttered. "Yes you can" he reassured. "Ready" the man said. "Yes" Luke replied. "Okay 3.........".Quinn started breathing heavily. "....2.......". Luke grabbed her hand. ".....1...". Luke jumped with her hand which led her to fall with him. Quinn screamed all the way down. "Woooooooooo" Luke screamed at the top of his lungs. "Quinn open your eyes!" He yelled. "No, why the fuck did I agree to this, I'm gonna die!" She screamed. "Quinn your fine, I've got ya" he wrapped his arms around her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. "I can't believe you convinced me to jump upside down off a cliff" she groaned. They swung back up.

They got back to the top of the cliff. Quinn ran off and lay on the ground. "I'm never gonna leave the ground again" she swore. They got in Luke's car and drove back to hers. She called Wyatt and Carson to tell them she found him. "Hey I'm sorry i was so mad about us become friends I had just had a bad day and took it out on you, I'm sorry, I would love to be your friend." Luke smiled. She smiled back at him. They got back to the house. Wyatt walked in and slapped Luke in the face. "Dude if you ever run away again i think I'm gonna kill you. Oh and next time bring me when your going bungee jump off a cliff" Wyatt yelled.


Authors note: hey guys its a short chapter i know but trust me next chapters going be good i promise! I hope you enjoy love yas xxxxxxxx oh hey I'm am planning on changing the name of the story in this so yeah just so u know I'm probably going to change it! I'm click republish again just so ya get the notification and read this. I have changed the story

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