Chapter 3 - Knox

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I watch him, surprisingly stoic for someone whose insides feels like a fucking sauna of rage. The man I'm desperately trying not to skin alive and chop into fucking pieces glares at his soldier with barely restrained anger. The irony that he's completely ignorant to my own fury is not lost on me. But that's expected. Ignorant may very well be one of his best qualities compared to the others.

"How?" the asshole repeats. "It was six against two and you are the only one left alive—by their choice. They were barely armed, for fuck's sake!"

The solider keeps his eyes locked on his leader, jaw tight. "They are extremely skilled."

"You were trained by me."

"And it was not enough."

His body slumps to the floor immediately. A bullet went through his neck the second those words left his mouth. I look to my right at Felix who watches the scene unfold in disdain. It's a miracle he hasn't fired the remaining bullet in our gun yet.

"What do you require?" Patrizio Rossi Ferrera, consigliere, and the cunt who single-handedly ruined my fucking life, tucks the gun he shot his soldier with back into his waistband before locking eyes with me. His gaze is cold. Calculated. I know I'm wearing a similar expression. "Surely you didn't leave my solider alive out of the goodness of your heart."

"We didn't realize we were leaving the honours to you either," Felix drawls. He swings his blade between his fingers. The clench of his jaw is warning enough that he might launch the thing at any moment.

Ferrera looks to my brother and his scowl intensifies. "This is business between leaders. Who are you to talk to me?"

Felix moves but I'm faster. I barely manage to wind my arms around him to keep him from charging forward. He struggles against my hold and lets out an angered scream. It could be at me and not Ferrera but I can't let him go. He'll ruin the very plan we spent our entire incarceration perfecting.

Ferrera's soldiers reach for their guns and I reach for mine. There isn't a head in this room that doesn't have a goddamn nine millimetre aimed at it within seconds.

"Smettetela," Ferrera hisses. His soldiers comply and stop, lowering their weapons hastily. Ferrera narrows his eyes at me. "You too, coglione."

My teeth grind. He should watch who he's calling the asshole here. I keep my gun where it is. "Not happening."

Neither of us looks away, suspended in silent challenge. I raise a cool brow. I know how to play his game. I've been studying it for far too long. He'd do anything to not look weak and he especially won't allow anyone to think he feels threatened.

"Fine," he shrugs. "If this helps you sleep at night."

Felix jerks in my hold, another roar ripping out of him. I knew it wasn't going to be easy for us to come face-to-face with this fucker. I need to get this done now or it will all be for nothing.

Knox (Marino Brothers Duet, #1)Where stories live. Discover now