Kittes Come In All Shapes and Sizes

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From a bouncy, happy Babe

To an emotionless, detached being

To an emotionless, detached being

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A Cat

That's what she was

Very cute and adorable. When a couple had layed their eyes on her, they couldn't help but dote on her.

She was so pretty and kind. Always wanting to play around and find something to do. Pretty dark purple eyes and a fluffy dark coat. She had the cutest meow and played around with a little ball unlike the other Kittens and Cats that were near her.

Oddly enough, they were all huddled in a corner, glaring at the couple as their fur risen. They didn't seem to like these two. And they had a reason.

Soon, the little playful Kitty was lift up and was given to the Woman. She loved the little thing and pat it's head while the Man next to her smiled down at it. The Kitten didn't understand why the other Felines tried to move away from them, they seemed nice.

The Woman slipped something around her neck. It was a small collar.

"Welcome home, Charlotte"

Charlotte? Would that be her name? She thought it sounded pretty. She liked it. And soon, the two took her away to a new home, waving at the Workers.


Charlotte was sat down on the floor "What would you like to do, Charlotte?" The Cat looked around till she went to the couch, giving it a confused stare. There sat another Cat. They were pudgy and angry.

They didn't seem to like Charlotte, not at all. But, they seemed to hate the Couple even more.

As soon as the other Cat walked away, Charlotte noticed two other Cats, all angry and chunky. She wondered what was wrong with them, why were they so sour....


The dark Kitten looks to her new caretaker, seeing her hold up a small bowl

"Would you like something to eat? You must be starving"

The Kitten went over eagerly, happy that her Family was accepting her.

Well, accept the other Cats


Day after day

Night after night

Week after week

Charlotte was showered in kibbles and bits, treats and free meat

If you asked her, she was living the life! Getting feed, having a warm place to live, her Caretakers treating her with great care

However, lately, her Caretakers have been talking and whispering, leaving her alone and doing their own things

Like the time she asked for a rub, the Man had nudged her away with his foot. She thought he just didn't want to be bothered by anything. But, when she tried to walk in the hall way, she would get a disgusted stare from her Female Caretaker.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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