-Chapter Five-

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I pushed my chair back, and pulled my headphones off. I turned off my pc, and stood up. It was a long night, I don't even know how long I had been on there for.

But I enjoyed it. I really did. I liked the people on the smp, they seemed nice, and they seemed to care about me. Maybe this was my chance to actually have friends. I went downstairs and filled up my water bottle. I slipped into my pajamas, and stared at my bed. I couldn't make myself get in it, as there is something I wanted to do first.

I knocked on George's door. "You streaming?" I asked. "Nope, just with Dream, Sapnap, and Bad." I walked over to him, and hugged him.

"George. Thank you. When I was on there, I felt happy, like I could have some friends. I really enjoyed it. So seriously, thank you. I want to keep playing on it." I said. "y/n, you are great. I'm glad you are happy." He said. "Can I speak to Dream? And Sapnap and Bad?" I asked. He handed me the headphones.

"Hi guys!" I said. They all greeted me. "Dream. Thank you so much for letting me into your server. It means so much to me, and I really liked to. So thank you." I was happy. "Aww, y/n, you are awesome. I hope that you enjoy it. You are a great sister." He responded. "Sapnap. Well, you really didn't do much to let me in the server, unless you did. But thank you for being the best member of the dream team." I laughed. "Hey!" I heard Dream say, and then start wheezing. I glanced at George, who was fake pouting. "And Bad. Thank you for being the most wholesome, sweetest muffin on the planet. You are amazing." "Aww, thank you! You are a good potato, y/n" Bad responded. I did my best to remember this moment. It was sweet and wholesome. I really liked it.

"One more thing. George. Thank you for letting me live with you. I am so much happier now. You actually saved me. Thank you." I said. I hugged George. "Goodnight everyone!" I handed back the headphones to George. "Goodnight George. I love you!" I said. He stared at me for a second, before saying "Goodnight y/n. I love you too."

I headed back to my room. I was happy that I got an I love you from George. He and I were opposite in that way. I had no problem telling people that I loved them and cared for them, while he had trouble with that. He barely told me I love you, and I was his sister.

I got back to my room, and studied myself in the mirror. I had brown hair and brown eyes like him, and I was slightly shorter. I was 5 foot 7, and he was two inches taller. I've worn his clout glasses before, and I can definitely say that I look similar to him. I flopped into bed, and fell asleep.

quick a/n from like a month after i originally wrote this - feel free to change this! this is your story, you are y/n, be whatever you want!

I woke up in the morning, and hopped onto school. I did about three assignments. Due to my almost non-existent attention span, I stopped after that. I opened Twitter. I stared at it for about five solid minutes, before making a new account.

y/u/n   @y/u/n  

yes, it is i, georgenotfounds sister. i ooze clout.

I went onto Instagram and twitter, trying to see if there were any fanarts of me I could use. I found a cute one, with me holding a duck in one hand, and waving with the other. It looked quite a bit like my minecraft skin. I messaged the artist through twitter, asking if I could use it for my profile picture. About fifteen minutes later, they messaged me saying that I could. I added profile pic by   @ashleyinnit_ to my bio. I then decided to make my first, simple tweet, right after following a bunch of people who's names I recognized.

y/u/n   @y/u/n

Hi everyone! :D

I hit tweet, waiting for what would happen. I then went onto the Dream SMP, and decided to actually get some gear and maybe build a house. I checked who all was online. awesamdude, Ponk, and Ranboo. They all greeted me by saying hello in chat. I checked my phone to see if any of them were live. Sam was.

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