[A little drunk with you]

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(T+, fluff)
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@supersipra: Can you make a HC on ZenNezu where both are drunk (I want a little fluff tho, and Taisho era setting will be great) and Nezuko is dominate over Zenitsu, but still, she's sweet to him?

A/N: Reposting this here, so that everyone could read. Huhuhu...sorry this got a little bit too late. 


It was a cold evening in Tokyo when Zenitsu invited his now legal-to-drink girlfriend Nezuko for an expensive dinner to formally date her. They just started a relationship together as he promised her brother that Nezuko-chan must reach the proper age before dating.

He'd been dreaming of this experience ever since he saw couples dine in the establishment from his days being an orphan. Now, he finally had a beautiful girlfriend (future wife) to join him and he's no longer alone. They were served with really mouth-watering food and fine wine which they both enjoyed. One day, he swore to perform in this restaurant and make her proud.

After their dinner the two decided to watch a movie and to stroll around the park to watch the Japanese lanterns that were bridging the trees. They decided to sit at a bench and watch newly invented cruise ships docked to the bay.

He was talking about his adventures while she was listening to him wholeheartedly, until a thought came to her mind.

"Z-Zenitsu-kun..." Nezuko turned to the blonde giggling. "I was thinking that...We haven't had our first kiss yet."

Zenitsu froze and his heart pounded very loudly inside his chest. "N-Nezuko-chan what what do you mean?!'

She leaned closer to him—her breath touching his cheek making him more nervous than he already was. "

He took a deep breath and gulped down hardly. His mind was running fast and ideas were constantly popping and he was literally overheating.

"Z-Zenitsu-kun..." Nezuko chirped and her flushed cheeks made Zenitsu's control flew out of his body. He shut close his eyes and firmly closed the gap between them sealing a brief peck on her lips.

He was still breathing sharply and his eyes were still tightly closed. The beating of his heart was still drumming in his ear, but Nezuko's giggles cut through much to his confusion.

"Nezuko-chan?" He asked a bit puzzled.

"I never thought you'd be that shy, Zenitsu-kun!" She teased him. Well, she had a point since the boy had been so aggressive and loud with his declaration of love for her, but now he's acting like a shy and flustered young lady in love.

He just looked down at his palms bashfulness eating him up, when Nezuko tugged at the sleeve of his haori and asked with a soft yet hinting voice. "M-Maybe we can give it a second try?"

All the poor blonde boy could do was stare at his girlfriend, while she pressed his lips with her own. Much to Zenitsu's shock, he'd never thought that Nezuko-chan would kiss him that way. It's almost close to the kisses shared by the married couples in their village. His eyes closed voluntarily as he went with the rhythm of their kiss—lips moving messily at first but they soon found a way to be graceful.

Their kiss deepened which left them gasping for air when they started to part a little from each other. Both of their faces were red and this time it wasn't because of the alcohol.

"I-I'm sorry. I think I'm a little drunk." Nezuko whispered after realizing how bold of her to do that.

Zenitsu almost jumped from his skin. "I-I got drunk too! I mean that kiss was...It was...Intoxicating, Nezuko-chan! You;'e so perfect I'm so nervous!"

Now, the tables have turned and Nezuko was left covering her face as Zenitsu was back again in complimenting the kiss she initiated detail by detail.

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