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Today at lunch, Julien came to sit with me as he had started doing a lot. He rested his hand on mine and I laced our fingers together. "Feel like doing something later?" He asked me.

"Maybe," I said, as that had become my routine. It always meant yes.

"Well, I've got a game tonight. You should come."

"I've never actually been to a football game before."

"Really? Never?" He seemed shocked.

"No," I admitted. "I don't exactly have friends, and the ones I did have, well..." I gestured to the rest of the losers in the pit, who would never be caught at a school football game. "You know."

"Why's that, anyway?"

"Why's what?"

"That you don't... have any friends." He hesitated saying it, like as if he thought I'd be hurt even though I was the one who mentioned it first. He's so precious.

I shrugged in response. "My life can get hectic. I wasn't able to maintain them, and to this day I still couldn't. And after my parents died- no one wanted to be around me anyway. Besides Vickie Donovan. And Tyler. But he bullied me, so I don't think that counts. But yeah, that's why."

"That's horrible," Julien said. "You were hurting and everyone you knew just... deserted you?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"And Tyler bullied you?"

"More than anyone."

"I wouldn't have thought that at all. As long as I've known him, he was kind of obsessed with you. But seriously- that sucks. I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't worry. I'm happy with the way things ended up... I mean it could be better, but it could be worse. I met you, after all."

He held back a smile. "Shit, that was cute. And I was an ass when we first spoke..."

"I wasn't all that nice either," I protested.

"At least you had a reason."

"Forget about it, Julien. It's in the past, and now we're here. I wouldn't complain."

"Yeah," he agreed, pressing another kiss on my lips. "I certainly can't complain. I've got to go, but I'll see you later, alright?"


And so, I returned to my sketch of hell-knows-what-it's-not-really-that-important, and lived the rest of my schoolday.

I'll be back when something else interesting happens,

Jeremy Gilbert


[A/N] And I'm back, back again... what's up with you guys? (Other than reading this masterpiece of a story) (I'm kidding) (Hope you enjoyed though) (Enjoy it while you can, I'll be fucking things up shortly 😌)

Much love,

chantivera 🖤

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