Chapter 9

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Jin pov:

She was beautiful. I never saw this beautiful girl before. I'm sound cheesy, but it's true. I don't know a lot of girls, but when she entered our house together with Jungkook and Taehyung, I was struck by her. She was delicate and her eyes were so beautiful.

I need to stop now. I have seven handsome soulmates and one to find, I can't have these thoughts about this girl. No, just no. I need to remember myself, that she here for our help. Like Tae and Kook explained over texts.

Namjoon is the person who very values the truth. And when he pressed the poor girl to tell us the real reason, I was a little worried about her. But she stood tall in her place. She looked confident in herself and I liked that about her. She had her voice.

She agreed to tell us a part of her story and the real reason why she needs to find her soulmate. Who it was, would be very happy to have a woman like her. I can tell just from the look she had a strong personality and she was beautiful indeed.

We all sit down in the kitchen. I prepared everyone's drinks. I felt tension in the room, waiting for this talk. I looked around my soulmates and I saw they already were engraved in her, waiting for her speech.

"Okay, I will tell you, but you can't judge me. I have already a hard time on me" Ray started and we quickly all nodded. We aren't these people who judge people without knowing the whole story.

"I need strength from soulmates bond. In all respect, I don't fond of soulmates themselves, I just need a strength it gives." Ray told us. I saw she was holding her tears already. I can't lie her words hurt a little and I don't why.

Namjoon nodded and gestured her to keep going. He knew it wasn't it." And why you need this strength? " He asked sipping his hot tea. Joon looked dead in her eyes, not letting the girl breathe. I shook him a bit to let a girl a little louse. Why the hell he so tight about it?

Ray took a sharp breath and closed her eyes. "I need to save my sister. And to do that I need a soulmate's bond. That's it" She told us with a shaking voice. Right there and right now, I just have a huge urge to hug her. I need her to stop crying. I have this pull to hold her in my arms and say that everything is okay.

Others were a little shaken up too. I saw Kook, Tae, and Jimin holding arms. Hobi was hugging Yoongi. Namjoon glanced at me and then looked back at Ray. "We would help you"

Ray pulled her head from her hands. Her bloodshot eyes clenched my heart. I was so confused by all these feelings that this girl gave me. It can't be what I thinking. It would be plain stupid. She was all this time around campus, all around us and I didn't felt anything. I think my mind it's just playing at this point.

"Thank you. You don't even know how much your help means to me" Ray weakly smiled looking around at us. I gave my smile back. I need her to calm down. We need to help her first and then think about all these feelings I have.

"Maybe you know, how we can start. I mean finding my soulmate. One thing I know that he or she is around here because I feel a soul pull to stay here." Ray started to talk with Namjoon. I glanced at him and saw that he was thinking hard.

I knew he would think of the way. He always does. He is a very clever and smart person, along with Yoongi. I knew he wanted to help her. They kept talking and thinking of the ways, while I and makes clean up a bit.

They talked for about an hour and they still were stuck. Now we all were sitting in the living room, thinking. When Jimin mumbled, "Why we don't start with her soulmate's tattoo?". That's it. If we know how her soulmate tattoo is looking we know who we need to find.

I nudged Jimin to tell this louder and he understood. "Why Ray, you show us your soulmate mark and we know who we need to look for?" Jimin suggested. We all looked at the girl now, I saw her slight hesitation, but she still nodded and got up.

Ray quickly looked at all and slightly pulled her shirt showing her mark. What I saw, I wasn't able to believe. How? The familiar flowers were laying on her smooth skin. I felt my world stopping and I can't believe that it was so easy all this time. She was so close to us and we all were blind.

I didn't know what I was doing next, but I stood up in front of her and looked straight into her eyes. She was so nervous, she was shaking. I pulled my shirt showing my soulmate mark and she quickly glanced at it. Then the hell got loose.

I felt other emotions from my seven bonded soulmates, they all were shocked. I wasn't able to say anything when Ray quickly let go of her shirt and taken her stuff, she just disappeared. Just like that. I was in a shocking state that I didn't felt her leaving when Joon shook me a little. "We find her," He told me with happy tears rolling on his cheeks. We find her.

I can't believe Jungkook went blond. All these edits came to reality. He looks so good. Deadly good.

And Yoongi came back to GDA. I love the GDA performance. He looked so cute and happy. I love him💜💜💜

I hope you all feeling fine. And don't forget to look after your health! 💜💜

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