Chapter 7

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After Lin talked to the non-bender Korra warned her about, she sent the earthbenders to fixed the field. Luckily no one saw and there were no reporters. Asami and her friends, followed by Korra, went back inside the school. Asami and Korra were planning to leave school early, they took Opal and the guys to PE, which Mako had to sit out, then went to their lockers to drop of their stuff.

"what was your theory?" Asami asked Korra

"huh?" Korra asked confused

"you said 'you just proved my theory right' to that man" Asami pointed out

"oh right... well, they had a chance to attack us for a while, but something was stopping them, then I thought maybe it was me so thats why I walked away...and when I came back, there they were, surrounding you guys" Korra mention

"wait so they knew you'r-" Asami was interupted

"hey korra" someone said behind the girl they were calling

Korra turned around to have a good look at the person talking to her "Oh, whats up Kuvira, shouldn't you be in PE?" she found Kuvira leaning against the lockers

"well yea but I didn't see you" Kuvira said getting closer to Korra

Asami rolled her eyes 'can she back off, thirsty ass bitch'

"I'm leaving early today" Korra said

"Oh, is Asami leaving with you?" Kuvira looked over at Asami giving her a glare

Before Korra could say anything Asami spoke for her "Yes I am, so if you don't mind we well be talking our leave" she said bitterly not losing eye contact

"very well, don't forget to text me tonight" Kuvira said giving a kiss on Korra's cheek and with that she left

"That was something" Korra said

"Let's go" Asami said annoyed and stormed off

Korra watched as Asami walked a head leaving her behind 'what's her problem'

The car ride was silent the whole way. Once they got to the mansion Korra decided to spend time in the gym while Asami studied. Asami's phone started ringing, she saw it was Opal

"hey opal"

"he asked me out to a mover this weekend!!!" Opal squealed

"Bolin?!" Asami asked

"no Mako" Opal said sarcastically "YES Bolin dummy"

"FINALLY" Asami was happy for her friend. They continued talking until it was time for bed.

Asami woke up in her room from her old house 'what the' her thought was interupted by a scream

"YASUKOOO!" she heard her father scream her mother's name. Asami ran to the scene seeing her father being held back while her mother was being taken away.

"MOOOOM!" she ran to her mother

"ASAMI NO" her mother warned but it was to late, they grabed Asami by the hair

"well, look what we have here, you look just like your mother" The tall skinny man said. Everything went blank after he spoke. Asami looked around but it was pitch black, a spot light shined at her and at a women laying on the floor with her back turned towards Asami. She walked up to the body

"Hello? are you alright?" she whispered turning the body only to see her mother's body with burn marks

"Don't worry little one, I'll make sure you'll see your mother soon...I'll make it quick so you won't feel a thing" the tall man whispered behind Asami's ear. he snap his finger and with in a second two men with axes showed up walking towards Asami, they swing their axes at Asami

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