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Draco Malfoy,

My mother greeted us with open arms after not seeing her for merely six months, and it was more than wantable. The safety of home, the welfare of being close to her again, brought an indescribable comfort, '' My son,'' She smiled, hugging me close before she turned to my best friend, '' Blaise,'' She smiled, holding him just as tight,

Her eyes flickered between us, concerned to why I was home, when I was supposed to be with my father, doing the dirtiest of deeds for the dark lord, '' Not that I'm not more than pleased to have both of you here—,'' She held, her hands moving to stroke a warm hand over my shoulder,

'' But may I ask why you've decided to come home, Draco — I thought we agreed for you to—,''

'' Are you aware of what she's done, mother?'' I blurted out, earing a shocked look to mount her face by cutting her off, '' Do you know what she's done?''

My mother stared emptily at us both before she snatched us by the arms, dragging us into the kitchen. Her sudden move made me questionable, confused as to why she didn't want to have this conversation out in the foyer, '' She's here, Draco,''

My breaths hitched, my mind dizzy in query — not grasping who my mother talked about, '' Who is—,''


My head snapped to look at Blaise, standing just as startled as I did, eyebrows furrowed before I shook my head in denial, '' No. It's not possible, this morning she was in her room—,''

My mother pushed a finger to her reddened lips, hooded eyes stared through mine, '' She arrived a few hours ago, she didn't want to be alone—,''

My temper failed me the second I caught onto my mother's words, the frustration of her once again disobeying me started to tear within, '' Where?'' I snapped, hewing my mother and Blaise off, '' Where is she?''

My mother's eyes flickered to Blaise's, his face turned in grimace, feeling awkward to the situation, scratching the back of his head before he walked past us, seating himself on one of the kitchen chairs, '' This is going to be a long night,'' He mumbled, his head tucked into his hands, sighing loudly, '' Let him see her, Narcissa —, we can talk about this later,''

My mother nodded, brushing some crumbs off the counter, '' She's in her room,''

I stormed up the stairs, severe steps echoed throughout the hallways as I heard my mother shout after me, but nothing was able to calm me down — because yet again, she did precisely when I told her not to, and even if she was in the loss of her memories of us, she still knows about her father, about all the death eaters seeking to hand her over to him, and to leave school, tended to be more than reckless,

Without hesitation, I booted her door open, only to stumble into an empty room, her bathroom just as deserted — she wasn't here, my body flinched by the sound of something dropping to the ground, further down the hallway, from my room,

I shoved my door open, and the second I did, relief washed over me; there she was, picking up a book from the floor, her head flung around by the sound of the squeaking door. The mesmerizing eyes grew wide as her hands clenched around the spine of the book, '' Draco?'' She breathed out, her voice was heavenly, and the moment I watched her perfect self standing in my room, almost in the exact spot she stood when she first told me she loved me, caused my heart to ache,


Leiah Riddle,

His face softened the instant I looked at him, the crease of anger, the fumes of hatred calmed, '' I thought you—,'' I nearly heaved, scared that he'd caught me here, in his room, holding a book of his, but Draco didn't move a muscle, he stood completely still, holding his breath,

I am a Riddle | Draco Malfoy, 18+Where stories live. Discover now