Throat Baby

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*Beyonce' P.o.v.**

I was tired but I wanted to relax Onika so she'd go to sleep and I could hit the blunt. I needed it after the day I had. But Onika looked agitated. I knew she wasn't having pain related to PapaBear because he calmed down a lot after she ate. She barely ate tonight and I was going to make it an issue but decided not too. I saw her thinking and spoke.

"Mamas, what you thinking about?"

"Can I ask you a question and you not lie?" Onika asked sitting up.

Damn it, she in her feelings over something. Okay, Bey, let's dead this quickly, that weed is calling us outside and we don't want to get Baby girl wound up. I thought.

"Okay." I say plainly.

"Did you cheat on me today? I saw blood on you and...your attitude is different."

"No Onika, I didn't cheat on you. I told you about the bar fight and how I broke it up. Them fools were bleeding like crazy and it got on me."

"Hmmm....but lately, you've seem different. Like extra lovey dovey and stuff."

"Because I love you Onika and wanted to make sure I started to show it more. I'm happy. Are you happy?"


"Are you sure? Because I've been wondering about you lately?"

"I'm okay." Onika said quietly.

"Okay. Well how about I put you to sleep?"

"With some dick?" Onika said quietly.

"Umm...No, maybe in the morning. PapaBear doesn't need any more ideas of coming today."

"Cockblocker." Onika whispered to her belly.

I grin and pull back the covers. Onika got into bed and I started to rub all her sore spots and her hips putting her to sleep. I got up and closed the doors and went to the balcony. I lit my blunt and blew it out recounting this afternoon's events.


I turned quickly before Megan could set her eyes on me. Luckily a fight broke out across the bar taking everyone's attention. I got up and slipped out to the back of the restaurant. Seeing Megan wasn't a complete surprise but I was surprised I saw her so soon. I knew Megan was here from the moment I mentioned to Onika about going back and seeing her family before our son came. I knew that Megan had previously been in contacts with a voodoo priestess in Houston and that she had done spiritual work on Onika and Ally. Osuna cleared that up for them as soon as we got here but Onika needed more. Megan was so upset that she couldn't take Onika's place that she really put it on her. I knew that Osuna would fix it but I needed something to fix Megan for good. Me killing her was just not something I wanted on my conscience. We didn't even kill Chris, Aubrey and his men beat that man in a coma and then some but we kept him alive. Last I checked he had woken up and was in a prison hospital, his brain was damaged in the speech region and he couldn't talk. But Megan was a special case, she was able to evade Aubrey's men by fucking them and then running off with their shit. So I talked to Osuna and got something special from her. The door opened and Megan came out a defeated look on her face. She smiled at me and licked her lips.

"What's up Honey, you came for me!"

"I did, we need to talk."

"Talk or fuck."

"All the same, come with us?"

"Come to my place?"


Megan and I left and she walked us to a nearby hotel. Luckily it was as guarded as mine so there was a lack of a bunch of cameras. Sitting with Megan, nothing was out of the ordinary except I could feel the sexual energy pouring off of her. Bey Jr. did too and was ready to fuck up her pussy. But 'Big' Bey was in control and was only thinking of keeping Onika and Ally safe. I needed Megan to trust me completely. I tucked myself into my waistband as the food came in. We sat and ate before I tossed the trash outside in the bin and came back into the room. What I saw coming in made a little bit of precum ejaculate out.

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