(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟑𝟏) lifted curse

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THE CARBONATED BUBBLE OF FIZZING LEMONADE filled Remus' ears as he poured himself a glass. His head was aching as though someone had his skull in a vice and kept tightening it.

Remus felt as though he'd had a headache for the last few months, the feeling had become normal to him now but he still found himself rubbing the sides of his temples when he had the chance.

He hoped this meeting would be over soon. They always dragged out and it wasn't as though they were getting any good news, he was beginning to lose hope that this war was ever going to end. Not that he had anything to look forward to once it was over.

Remus had been surprised to see Athena show up, his mind flickered with rage just by looking at her. It was an odd feeling that he couldn't explain but he'd linked it to his own frustrations of being through so much only for his feelings to ebb away. Love was complex, he'd learnt not to question it.

Still, Athena had run away from everything that had happened up til now. Ignoring the signs that he didn't want to be stuck in this revolving fair ground ride of emotions. It had once been a rollercoaster but at the end it felt more like a lazy river that he just wanted to get off.

He sighed loudly almost forgetting that he was in a room full of people. They were all leaning around the counters, eating biscuits while they got the chance. Remus saw Peter sneak a few chocolate chip cookies into the pockets of his denim jacket. Typical Peter.

Remus wondered if he could fake illness and just go home. He'd noticed Athena staring at him every time she got the chance and it made him uncomfortable because he knew exactly what she was thinking. She was hoping that he would change his mind and that made this whole twisted thing harder.

Every time their eyes met the whispers in his mind would start again. He'd assumed this was the bubbling of emotions, getting too much to deal with in silence. This voice had been created to explain how he was feeling and for the most part it had helped him understand.

You don't love her anymore. You stopped loving her in January. You fell out of love. You deserve better. She's insane, she'll drag you down with her. You tried your best but now you should concentrate on yourself.

Remus moved back to his seat and slumped into it. Sirius was already sat drinking straight out of a can of coke covered in a layer of perspiration from being in the fridge.

Sirius was cold with him recently, in fact everyone was. They'd taken Athena's side and for the most part he understood why. He'd been cruel to her when he hadn't meant to be, this he didn't understand. Then again, he'd never been good at containing his anger.

Lily had been the worst and it had hurt more than the others. He wasn't used to her being so passive to him. He wondered if it would ever be normal again, if this goddamn headache (literal and metaphorical) would stop.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now