(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟑𝟎) fate

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THEY ARRIVED IN DUMBLEDORE'S OFFICE and Athena turned to the man immediately. The realisation and panic had set in. Tears blinked back in her eyes as she tried to remain calm. There was a way around this, there had to be a way around this.

"Maybe he's wrong" Athena stated, forgetting her previous anger with Dumbledore as she stared at him, "maybe Voldemort got it wrong and the prophecy isn't about Lily and James' son at all"

"The prophecy said that Voldemort would mark the child as his equal, the nature of the prophecy was at Voldemort's control... he can't be incorrect".

"That can't be it" Athena shook her head, "it can't be about them! Not Lily and James"

"I'm sorry Rena—"

"So we have to protect them"

"We can try but—"

"But? What do you mean but? We will protect them"

"I want that as much as you but you must see that the prophecy speaks of a boy that will challenge Voldemort, whatever we do this will always be the case"

"So their sons life has already been written for them?" Athena snapped, "that's wrong! He hasn't even been born yet, that can't be right! It isn't fair!"

"Many things aren't fair"

"We can prevent this, we can finish Voldemort without the boy"

"The boy is the key to ending Voldemort that has always and will always be the case"

"This is an unborn child that you're talking about and you're already offering him up as bait! Taking away his life for the war and that's not fair".

"I'm not offering up his life" Dumbledore sighed,

"You might as well be" Athena snapped, "this can't be right, not Lily and James"

"It is peculiar though, fitting I suppose"

"How'd you work that out"

"I presume that Voldemort only knew of two boys born at the end of July, The son of Lily and James and the son of Alice and Frank"


"So he didn't choose the pure blood despite his obsession with blood purity, no he chose the half blood like himself"

"I don't really care about that right now" Athena frowned, "I don't care why he made the decision I just want to prevent this boys life from being ruined"

"Fate has already been set in stone"

"I don't care about fate!" Athena cried out, "I care about Lily and James, I care about their son"

"I know you do not care about fate however right now you have to understand that it cannot be changed, you of all people are aware of this"

"He's going to hunt them down, Snape said so, he's going to hunt them down and try and kill them"

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now