Chapter 9 : Static Interference

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Don't know why, but every time I crash I always go back through my old memories, whether it's a dream like state where they change, or they just play out as I remember them.

My childhood wasn't easy, at least the first four years weren't. I can't remember much, but the people who bullied me made it evidently clear how it happened and when it happened.

They said I looked like I just came out of the womb, weeping like a banshee in the cold. I has poorly bundled and left in a shoe box on the doorstep of an orphanage, my caretaker long gone before I could gather my non-existent infant thoughts. I was ding-dong ditched and the people of the orphanage were mortified, so they took me in.

I spent four years in that orphanage and boy was it like going through the flaming fucking pits of hell, I had it far from easy. As soon as I was two and old enough to form basic speech and thought, I was being tossed like a doll among the other kids, calling me names like the, "Doorstep drop-off" or "unloved", "unwanted". The list goes on.

Being pushed around and called brutal things, having my own story blended to shattered glass and being shoved down my throat day after day after day, I was fucking sick of it!

My fourth birthday came around, and I spent it in a closet. The kids had pushed me in there, yanked me out of a my bed while I was sleeping and padlocking the door.

I counted the seconds, minutes, hours. I wasn't let out until the morning light through my window faded and the carers came to find me, cooped up in a ball, filthy, cold and scared. Just seeing another human face made me flinch. Only one person bothered to care, her name was Sister Lani.

She was the one who brought me in and gave me my own room on day one, clearing out what used to be a walk-in closet and turned into a tiny nursery for little baby me. Lani looked after me like I was her own, literally the only woman who gave a fuck about my putrid existence as an abandoned child.

Sister Lani had a transformation and mutation quirk, bitch looked like a dragon. She was tall, at least 5'11" from what my tiny little self could see. She usually wore the normal robes like someone in an orphanage would, but usually she's wearing a fluffy white turtleneck since she liked to stay warm and the robes looked tacky on her. Since she'd constantly have to keep her tail tucked underneath or cut a hole in them and ruin it.

Lani had long black flowing hair, two pairs of white goat-like horns, bright ice crystal blue eyes, pale pearl white skin, and a long silky white tail, with black under-scales that stretched down to a fanned out tail that looked like a giant black claw with blue webbing. There's speckles of black scales on her cheeks too.

When she transformed, she turned into a serpentine dragon of sorts, but without wings so she's incapable of flight. She grows significantly in size, like a Basilisk. A long snake-like silk white body, black under-scale and the same fanned out tail at the end. She still sported her horns, however her hair became much shorter, almost unnoticeable, her eyes becoming more narrow. 

Basically a giant serpent of death.

When I was a baby, I would always cry alone at night in my crib, so when I was being really fussy and wouldn't shut up, Lani would care for me in the middle of the night. If I didn't hush, I'd be brought to her room, she'd transform, and coil around me to keep me warm. Somehow, it worked every time.

Lani pulled me out of that closet I was locked in by busting it open with the force of her thick tail, and she tended to me, bringing me to the bathroom for a quick bath and soak. Later that night, I was in my bed wide awake and silent sobbing. I could hear the children racing to the nursery for curfew. I was sick of it all, so I waited until their footsteps faded and the hallway lanterns dimmed to a soft evening glow before leaving my bed and finding an open window that was letting in the cool night air. I didn't have belongings with me as a child, so I just got dressed in what I could find and left.

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