End of Year Feast

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Despite the horrors they have all witnessed at the terrifying truth they have discovered, the Marauders still managed to find joy in the remaining time they had with their friends from the future. The next day, due to the clear sky and cheerful atmosphere, the entire group played a game of Quidditch at the stadium. Neville, being the clumsy, nervous wreck he was, decided to stay on the ground with Peter while the others played. Lily and James started to talk to each other more, and instead of insulting each other, they would be laughing. Something that Harry enjoyed watching. And it truly was spectacular to see father and son battling it out on the Quidditch pitch. Even McGonagall had taken time off to watch two of her greatest Seekers face each other. 

Once they were down on the ground, they had been swarmed by fellow school students. News had gotten out that morning about Voldemort's return and how 9 Hogwarts students battled 13 Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic. Presumably on Dumbledore's orders, the Order members were not listed, probably to hide the fact about a secret organization fighting against the Dark side. But that made the 9 students celebrities, Harry even more so than he already was. Hermione and Remus tried to be as humble as they could while James and Sirius gloried in the attention, willingly signing autographs. Neville had received a lot of praise, particularly by his teachers, for doing what he did and proving his doubters wrong. But what was even more impressive was how the Weasley twins had returned.

"Where is our little sister and ickle prefect Ronnie?" they bellowed over the crowd.

"Oh no..." Ron went pale when they spotted him.

Instead of bullying him, they congratulated their little brother. They told him how proud they were of him going against the rules and helping his friends, hoping he would someday turn into as 'great' as them, they said. And Ginny was being pestered by Fred about possible boys that she was dating.

"If you ask me, Harry seems like-"

"Stop it Fred!" Ginny went scarlett. "Or I will tell mum!"

But the ones that Fred and George really wanted to talk to after their siblings were the Marauders.

"We heard from Dumbledore about your whole...'thing'," they said together. "Wicked!"

James grinned, "And we are honoured to have met you. I daresay you have done us proud. Isn't that right Padfoot?"

Sirius grinned as well, "Absolutely right, Prongs. You guys have done us proud."

But the Weasley twins were in shocked speechless. They stared from James to Sirius to Remus to Peter.


Altogether, the four friends said, "Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map!"

"Which you have taken great care of, I presume," James added.

"We gave it to Harry," Fred said.

"We felt his need is greater than ours," George said. "Blimey! Fred! Its really them!"

"Big fans," Fred started to shake Sirius's hand profusely. "Really big fans."

Sirius and James laughed, promising them that they will never forget their antics. And all the laughter did not die down as they entered the Great Hall for the end-of-year feast. The entire school was in high spirits. Dumbledore had awarded an extra 50 points to each of the individuals that fought in the Ministry of Magic, bringing Gryffindor's total to at least 900 points on top of all the original points they had earned.

"I must say," Dumbledore said as they were about to finish their meals. "That it has been a deeply challenging year. But you have all pushed through it. I am very proud of you all. For some of you, it may have been more challenging, living through the deceit and problems that arose. As the year comes to an end, I would still like to remind you of the dangers that are forming outside of the school walls. As you are very well aware of by now, Lord Voldemort has returned. And it is now imperative that we stick closely to each other more than ever. Remember to fight for what is right, remember to believe. Remember to love."

Lily looked at Harry and smiled.

"But always, always, remember," Dumbledore added. "That help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who need it." 


"I can't believe you guys are going already!" Hermione started to cry. "Lily I am going to miss you so much!"

"I will miss you too Hermione!"

The Marauders and Lily were giving their last goodbyes in Dumbledore's office before they go. Dumbledore had altered his fireplace so that once they entered, they would appear back in their own time in Dumbledore's office again and explain to him the entire truth. James and Lily had converted their appearance back to normal, with James retaining his round glasses so that it almost looked like there were two James in the room.

"You honestly do look just like your father Harry," Ron laughed.

Sirius went over to Harry.

"I know what you went through was...terrible," he said. "But I will always be with you. In here."

He pointed at Harry's heart. Before Sirius could walk away, Harry stopped him. He pulled something out from his pocket.

"I want you to have this," he handed Sirius the picture he received before he had gone on the train earlier that year. "Its the original Order of the Phoenix. You gave it to me. Or your future self did. But...I want you to have it."

He smiled, realizing that he was about to become one of the first to fight against Voldemort. The two briefly hugged before Harry moved to Remus.

"You knew didn't you?" Harry asked. "About everything. The moment you came."

"Yes I did," Remus said. "Deeply sorry I am for what you have been through, I have no doubt that you will excel in what you have to do. Good luck Harry."

And the two hugged as well. Peter, Remus and Sirius were the first to enter the fire, disappearing completely. Now that left James and Lily.

"We will leave you to it," Dumbledore said quietly.

He motioned for Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Professor McGonagall to follow him out of the office to give them a moment alone. 

"I'll miss you Harry," James said. "You have taught me a lot this year. And I am so glad to have had the chance to meet you."

"I don't want you to go," Harry could feel his eyes getting watery.

"I know," James said. "But its okay son. You'll be okay."

He moved so that Lily would have a moment with him. And the two stared at each other for a few moments.

"You really are your father's son," Lily smiled sweetly. "And though I can't believe I married an idiot, I have no regrets about it."

Harry laughed, hugging his mother one last time. They broke apart and Lily finally said, "Goodbye sweetheart."

And with their hands intertwined, Lily and James approached the fire. James was the first to step through, disappearing as he looked at Harry one last time. Lily, however, stopped and as James disappeared, she let go of his hand. And in doing so, the door blasted open.

"Lily! Lily I-"

Lily turned and stared into the eyes of Severus Snape, who, for the first time Harry had seen, was crying. 

"Its okay Severus," she said calmly. "I'm coming back."

"I don't want you to leave. Not when I haven't redeemed myself yet."

Lily smiled again, "Severus you have done a great deal. You saved Harry, you saved me. You have protected my boy for the last 5 years and I know you will for the rest of your life. Just promise me one thing?"


"Take it easy on my son," Lily said, giving Harry one last smile.

"Do you really forgive me?"

Harry could sense the urgency and the remorse in his voice. He knew what Snape was referring to, but was quite sure he didn't realize Harry was in the room. He kept his eyes trained on Lily, who just as she stepped into the fire and disappeared, she answered him.


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