60 // Nolan in a nutshell

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Nolan in a nutshell

CHAPTER SIXTYNolan in a nutshell•••

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At first, I thought Oakley just caught a cold. He'd wake up, tell me his head hurt, and I'd bring him some food and a glass of water before he'd end up falling asleep again. I only started realizing I was wrong three days later, when I was reading my script and noticed his water was just sitting on the nightstand collecting dust.

"Hey, are you good?" I asked. I knew he was awake because he'd been staring at the ceiling for half an hour now.

"Yeah," he said, but his voice was soft, quiet, and weak.

"It's not a cold, is it?" I asked him, resting my hand on his cheek, feeling the rough stubble underneath my thumb. He just shook his head and he turned back to the ceiling.

"Do you need anything?"

A line formed between his eyebrows as he thought, but once again he just shook his head. He let out a deep sigh and blinked a few times before rubbing his eyes.

"When are you leaving?" he asked, his eyes meeting mine.

"A few more weeks."

"I still have to teach you to play that piece," he said. He sat up against the headboard and grabbed a pillow, which he held tightly to his chest like a stuffed animal. "I just need to grab an electric at home."

"Don't worry about it. If you're not feeling like it, I'll just figure it out. Maybe I can find someone else to do it."

"No. I promised I would help you. Please?"

His eyes were opened wide as he looked at me, but they weren't all glossy and ecstatic like they usually were.

"Okay. Do you want me to drive you?"

He shook his head.

"I was gonna talk to my mom about some legal stuff anyway."

I was so caught up in my own shit that I totally forgot about the issues with his label. How long had all of that stuff been messing with his brain? How could I have forgotten about it?

"H- how's that going?" I asked. I looked down at my hands, noticing the inside of my arm being a little red.

"Mom said only good things," he said, forcing his lips into a smile. "I'm gonna have to sign another contract but with more freedom, so I can kind of ooze out of their ecosystem or whatever. My mom said I'd be getting more details today."

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