Chapter 10

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Asami couldn't believe it, Asami ran away towards the field where her friends were 'it was to good to be true' Asami's eyes started to water.

Korra broke the kiss and looked away

"I wasn't done" Kuvira said

"Kuvira enough" Korra felt guilty

"Korra, why are you acting like this? why'd you asked me to kiss you if I saw Asami?" Kuvira watched the waterbender "I'm not complaining or anything, but why'd you asked me to do it infront of her"

Korra looked down "just leave now"

"Korra are you being serious? I just wanted to apologize for before and maybe make it up by taking you out then out of no where you said 'Asami is coming around the corner hold me and act like your about to kiss me then do it when you see her'.... are you tying to make her jealous or something" the eartbender said

"no, I'm trying to keep her away from catching any feelings for me" Korra looked into her eyes

"what why" she asked

"Because whether she likes it or not, I have to go back to the south, and I will have to leave her even more broken hearted!!!...and I can't do that to her" Korra confessed "I can't be with anyone because I'll leave them anyways"

"so... nothing was ever going to happen between us?" Kuvira frowned

"I'm sorry Kuvira" Korra broke the eye contact and walked away to catch up with the group

Kuvira watched as she left 'than why come here if you're going back'

Asami made it back to the field.

"you okay? it looks like you were crying" Bolin asked concerned for his friend

"Yeah, I'm fine" Asami said as she sat down

"Korra hasn't gotten back yet" Mako notified her

"yea, I saw her, I don't think she'll be back for a while" Asami sighed

"what makes you say that" Opal asked as she watched her friend

"she's busy, kissing on Kuvira and stuff" Asami said annoyed and unable to see the two together 'she just kissed me this morning and hours later she's kissing on another person'

"I told ya'll they were a thing" the firebender pointed out

"shut up Mako" Opal said giving him a glare

"why are you upset about it?" Bolin asked "I mean, we all know you like her, but your acting like she betrayed you"

"because.....we kissed last night" Asami confessed "...and this morning" she added

"wait so you guys are a thing?" Mako asked

"I doubt it, she's all over another girl, I guess I was just a one time thing" Asami said bitterly

minutes later, Korra made it to the field and laid on the grass while avoiding eye contact

"Oh hey Korra we were just talking about you" Bolin said earning an elbow to the arm from Opal

"yea, we were planing to look for you, we thought you we captured or something" Mako chuckled making Opal and Bolin laugh nervously while Asami and Korra stayed silent thinking about the event with Kuvira

"Korra, are you not gonna eat?" Opal asked, Korra shaked her head no.

Korra stayed quiet they rest of the day 'what a eventful day'

Asami and Korra were on there way home, the car ride was awkwardly quiet, but Asami broke the silence, "whats going on with you? You've been out of it ever since second period" she asked Korra as she continue driving trying not to bring up Kuvira

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