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Lola's POV
Me and Amelia where about to get our tickets for the train when Teddy, the boys old friend came over to us.
"Hello ladies," he says.
"Em hey teddy," I say.
"Follow me or else," he whispers into my ear giving me goosebumps.
"Or what?" I say regretting what I said.
"Or Jai and the boys will die," he whispers back.
"Fine, we will come," Amelia says scared.
"Get your tickets and meet me here in 5 minutes," he says pushing us to the ticket box.
We got our tickets and met Teddy and went on the train that was heading in the direction of Sydney.
He took our bags!
When we got off he pushed us into a black van and locked the door tying our arms to our backs and our feet together.
When the van started moving, Amelia started crying.
"I I I'm scared," she whispers.
"Don't be! It will all go right in the end, don't you worry," I say reassuring her, but not myself.
when the van jolted to a stop after an hour or so him and his friends grabbed us and locked us in his basement.
He then made a vine!
"Hey guys, I have Lola Duncan and Amelia Penfold here and they are gonna die!" He shouts then laughs.
Beaus POV
I was scrolling through my vine when I saw a video from Teddy, our old friend that I forgot i still followed and was about to unfollow him when his latest vine popped up!
That dick, kidnapping Lola and Amelia.
I decided to keep quiet until James, Daniel, Lucy and Chelsey to come over and when my brothers come downstairs when they are over.
"Do you know where Lola is?" Jai asks coming downstairs.
"No," I lie simply.
"I'm so fucking worried about her, anything could have happened," he says nearly crying.
When he starts crying I go over and hug him like I would never let go.
"I'm gonna find her," he declares standing up.
"No your not," I say pushing him back on the couch.
"Dickhead," he mumbles.
"No im not," I say strongly.
"Then let me find Lola Bel Duncan," he mutters wiping his red puffy eyes.

*when everyone else gets there*

"I have some news about Lola and Amelia," I say looking at the crying Luke and Jai.
"What?" They both yell.
"They have been kidnapped by Teddy," I reply going on vine to realise the vine has been deleted.
"Asshole," Jai says.
"Muthafucka," skip says.
"Dipshit," james says.
"Bitch," luke says.
"Let's go find them," I say.
"Kk," all of them reply.
"We'll stay here incase anything happens," Chelsey says hugging Lucy.
"Okay," we all reply before running out the house and skip having to run back inside to get his shoes.

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