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Please feel free to correct my writings! :)

there are still many things that have not had time
I can tell to you
there are still many things that have not had time
I can relay to you
Nothing is as beautiful as your eyes
Only the moon
Nothing is as gentle as your attitude
Only the ocean

Kunto Aji - Pilu Membiru (English Translation)


Kana is a sucker for beautiful sceneries, be it indoor or outdoor. He is someone who really appreciates the beauty of little things that can be found in an everyday environment. He prefers to walk around beautiful areas than owning posh and luxurious items that are manmade.

That's why he was so excited about this impromptu trip. The younger already knew Bibury is well known for its picturesque of a traditional English village as well as a popular filming location. He had seen some pictures of the village on the internet before when he did some research for his writing. But he never thought the place will be this breathtaking. It's a truly different experience when he sees the real sceneries than in still pictures. The feel of the cold breeze on his skin, the smell of dry grass in his nostril, the moist sensation in the air, it can't be compared to just looking at a digital image in the comfort of his own home.

Kana can't help but be awestruck at the cottage that... Bright? Sam? who should he give credit for? Let's just say it that the cottage that Bright booked and Sam paid for them. The honey-coloured stonewall medieval-looking cottage looks so cosy and pretty in his eyes. Stone bench and table set with the same colour is placed in front of the building as the dry winter grass is decorating the yard. He then turns to the other sides of the cottage, looking at rows of identical stonewall cottages that are aligned neatly on both sides. There's a little bit of snow left on the ground, which help to complement their beauty. The scenery makes him feels like he's not in the 21st century anymore, if there are no cars in sight of course.

"Let's go in." Edgar's voice breaks his reverie as the shorter man unlocks the front door and goes in. Kana soon follows with his doe eyes still looks visibly wider than usual, indicating that he's still in the process of being blown away by the beautiful view. As he goes into the cottage, his gaze slowly takes in the medieval yet modern interior of the cottage. On the left side, he can see a small cream-coloured kitchen with a wooden dining table and chair sets that are fit for 6 people in front of it and 2 doors on the right side of the room, next to a big glass sliding door that leads to the patio area. There are several paper bags on the table, which might be the groceries that the owner is prepared for them. He heard Bright converse about it with the owner before on their way here. As he gazes to the right, there's an already lit stone fireplace in front of a cream-coloured sofa and a coffee table in between them, along with armchair on each side of it. There's a set of the stair at the furthest corner of the room and a door between the stairs and the fireplace, might be the first bedroom. His admiring session is interrupted by Edgar, who points the said door, "That's Levi's room. Our rooms are upstairs. Let's go."

The shorter man goes further into the living room area and goes up to the second floor with Kana follow behind him. The stair directly goes towards a short hallway with 2 doors on the right side. Edgar points to the furthest room, "That's the master bedroom. You can stay there with Sam. There's a bathroom inside of it so you won't need to fight for the bathroom downstairs with us. I and Bright will stay beside yours," he points to the nearest door, "The position of this bedroom is easier for us to protect both of you as well just in case someone decides to break in."

Kana tilt his head confusedly, "Why the guard needs to be so tight? We're on holiday and not in London. Nobody knows we're here."

Edgar explains, "Being here doesn't mean it's totally safe for you two, especially Sam, the only heir of his family. A lot of people wants to take them down. We can't risk him getting hurt just because we're here and on holiday. Besides, if he's dead, I don't know what's going to happen to me." he nonchalantly adds.

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt