( chapter fourteen )

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AS MUCH AS CHERRY WANTED TO SPEND ALL OF HER WAKING TIME WITH TONY IN WHATEVER WAY SHE COULD, SHE STILL HAD A JOB. Obadiah was generally a busy man and it seemed that he was keeping Cherry on a very short, business leash. She didn't have time to eat her own lunch at her desk some days, let alone get into the car Tony sent with Happy to spend lunch with him. She was exhausted when she got home and usually made herself dinner and cuddled with Scotty on the couch while watching sitcom reruns. 

However, she fell asleep on the phone with Tony most nights. The man was clingy, Cherry found out after not seeing him for a week. He deeply cared for the people who he trusted and Cherry was glad to be among the few that he did. 

Though, the background on Tony's side was getting louder and louder each sleepy phone call, the man obviously distracted as he chattered off to Cherry, JARVIS, and his robot sons he claimed to hate but Cherry knew he adored. 

So, when she had the chance to swing by Tony's place on her day off, she took it. The world hadn't seen much of the man as of late, Cherry knowing what the tabloids and other sources didn't -- he had basically locked himself in his workshop and was doing something there. Cherry didn't know what exactly, but she could tell he was really into it with how much he had been rattling around on their phone calls. 

She took a cab. Looked at Scotty in his deep blue eyes and packed the Ragdoll cat into a kennel and knew he would be slightly angry about being moved, but happy when he got to nuzzled against Tony's leg while Cherry made them actual food in the kitchen, not sure what Tony had been ingesting during the time apart. The cat meowed once, his front leg tucked underneath him, before he settled in for the short car ride. Cherry had a moment to be sad about his missing left appendage, but she knew he was happy and healthy, so she didn't dwell on the feelings she had gotten over long ago. 

Once she had arrived at the mansion, let in by JARVIS, and Scotty was happily curling up on the back of the huge couch in the living room, the perfect spot to nap in the sun at eleven-ish in the morning, Cherry went to the kitchen. She puttered around for a bit, searching, before she found some crackers, grabbed some expensive cheese, cut up whatever ring of meat was in the fridge, and laid it all as aesthetically as she could on a tray JARVIS had directed her to. Then she made her way down the stairs behind the cool waterfall thing, going down to the workshop. 

JARVIS didn't even ask Tony for permission, just let her in, and Cherry had to balance the tray on her hip to open the door. Tony was at the end of the garage, with Butterfingers set on fire extinguisher mode, U with a camera attached to him. Cherry set the tray of food down on available surface space and stepped forward, wondering what Tony was doing. 

She leaned back against one of the tables, arms over her chest, and waved at the camera and U. The bot didn't acknowledge her, as it was clearly in the middle of recording, but she knew she was on camera. Cherry watched Tony wiggle his hips and move his legs, holding some sort of device in his hands. Her eyes were drawn to his arms and she felt herself appreciating the look of him in a tank-top, taking in the curve of his back and his ass. Which she was now remembering the full, naked glory of from that one time he showed up drunk at her apartment. To take her thoughts off of said naked body, her thighs squeezing together, she looked at the tech that Tony seemed to be... testing? That's when she noticed the boots. They almost reminded her of high tech ski boots, the tech Tony had built in them shown to the outside world. The confusion ran deep in her as she watched him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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