The New Girl: Chapter 14

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9 Years Ago..

At Kathleen and August's house, a young Kenny Omega and Alexa Bliss were being suprivised by their Nanny, Vickie Geurrero. Kenny's best friend, Miz was over to play with him. Alexa always seemed to be stuck playing with the two boys. Growing up, Alexa was always Kenny's best friend but now that they were getting older, he seemed to have more fun with Miz. 

"I am the king of France!" Kenny yelled out with a plastic crown on his head. 

"And I am your right hand man!" Miz added. 

Alexa rolled her eyes at the boys.

"You've asked for the hand of my sister, Princess Alexa!" Kenny continued his dramatics. 

"Ew, no!" Miz responded. 

Alexa herself made a disgusting face. 

"And I reject your request! So I  shall execute you! No one will be allowed the hand of my sister!" Kenny yelled as he pretended to take a sword to Miz' throat. 

That's when the door bell rang. Kathleen opened the door to greet her dear friend, Sora Ibushi. 

"I am so glad you're here." Kathleen told her. 

"Trust me, so am I." Sora said.

Kathleen looked down to find a young Kota Ibushi hiding behind his mother. 

"Oh my goodness. The last time I saw him he wasn't even walking yet."  Kathleen told her. 

"Same with me.. I haven't seen Ken and Lexi since we were  having girls nights with the three kids running around in their walkers around us." Sora reminised. 

"So you said you found something?" Kathleen asked suddenly. 

Sora took a deep breath. 

"Maybe we should talk somewhere else?" Sora asked. 

Kathleen nodded in approval.

"He should be fine here with the others. Vickie has a good eye on them." Kathleen told her. 

Sora bent down to face her son, Kota. 

"I'm going to go talk with my friend here for a moment. Do you think you can wait here for me? Maybe you'll make some friends of your own." Sora suggested.

Kota nodded shyly before his mother followed Kathleen away. Kenny stopped playing with Miz and brought his attention to the strange boy standing in his living room. Alexa admired Kota's shyness, given that she was the same way strangers. 

"I'm Alexa." She walked up and told him 

Kota just let out a kind smile, not knowing he'd just met two people that would become the most important to him. 

Present Day..

Friday morning at school, posters reminding everyone of the upcoming masquerade ball. Becky walked walked into school with Kota and Alexa by her side. Everyone turned their heads in her direction after what happened at school the morning before. Rumors and whispers filled the halls. Becky saw Sasha standing with her friends but she pretended not to see her. Seth on the other hand, made it clear that he was upset with her when he stormed off. Cody was leaning against his locker rather casually when he glanced up and met eyes with Kota. They shared a small moment as Kota passed by. 

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