chapter 13 - healing

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James had finally made it up to the dormitory after waiting in front of the portrait for 30 minutes. 

A small first year was walking up to the portrait unaware of the determined boy to the side of her. As soon as the first year said the password, James unapologetically shoved the first year aside. By now, the whole school, even the first years, knew not to get in the way of James Potter and his love, or they would all be pranked to death. Well maybe not to death because the first years are just so precious, but they would probably be the victim of the marauder's pranks for a while. 

James pushed a third year aside as he sprinted past him. He was not out breath despite having dashed through the entire common room. He slammed the door open, searching through his brain about the whereabouts of the map. When he came up empty, he started searching through everything. everything. Even Sirius's dirty underwear, which was absolutely revolting. He threw jumpers everywhere, searching frantically. 

After 10 minutes he had managed to find a lot of things, but not the map. He ended up finding a journal Peter kept, Remus's famous chocolate stash, and Sirius's old letters to his brother. He decided not to pry, but kept this information for later. 

He took a look around the room and gasped at the scene in front of him. Clothes were everywhere, ties hanging off the bed frame, and crumpled up robes scattering the floor. Somehow there were a few lipsticks scattering the room. He guessed most of them were Sirius's one nighters. He decided to clean up the room both out of courtesy and frustration. As he began to pick up everything, he noticed a piece of parchment stick out from underneath Remus's mattress.

He moved his foot to walk over and get the map, but ended up tripping and busting his lip open. somehow... don't ask James. When he's playing quidditch, he extremely coordinated, but when he's just walking through the corridor, he's flailing all over the place. 

James reached his hand up to feel the bruised area, feeling a shot of dull pain coursing through the bruised area. He rolled his eyes at his own clumsiness, but continued to stand up and moved closer to the map. He grabbed it then opened it saying the words, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" The piece of parchment sprung to life with ink, footsteps marking where people were, and names popping above them. 

He opened the map fully, setting the large piece of parchment down on the messy floor. He scoured the map, looking in every classroom, every bathroom, every dorm room, every common room. He finally found her in a bathroom on the third floor. He didn't failed to notice the name beside her, he then began fuming as he stormed out of the common room, and up to the third floor. 

* * * *

Remus continued to watch over the now sleeping girl, as he realized her pain had made her exaughsted. He wished he could take her pain away because he knew that kind of pain. The searing one that wouldn't go away, the one that leaves scars, the ones that stay with you for the rest of your life. He wished he wasn't cursed, but there was no cure for a curse. It just never went away. He would never wish his suffering on anyone, especially not Ember. 

While Remus was stuck in his heartfelt moment, Ember was having a nightmare. 


A 13 year-old Ember is sitting at her kitchen counter, waiting for her motherto arrive home because it was her birthday. The girl had woken up early for her birthday, hoping her mother would already be home. 

Ember's mother had never been around. But young, naive Ember thought today would be different. Ember was in a small pink dress, some gold flats, and some jewelry she found in her mother's dresser. She had made breakfast for herself and her mother. Eggs, sausage, and some orange juice. 

Ember waited for 4 hours until she gave up on waiting for her mother. It was at this point that Ember began to build up her walls against the world. She grew angry and dissapointed at herself then her mother. She used her magic to shove the front door open, storming out of the house. She stomped all the way down the street, heading to the abandoned warehouse, to let out her anger. 

She walked into the warehouse, picking up some plates and throwing them against the moss covered cobblestone walls. She picked up a few vases as she threw over tables, taking bricks and throwing them at the crumbling cobblestone. She had gone through many items before pacing around, breathing heavily. She stopped and let out an agonizing scream, magic coursed through her veins, taking her anger as a way for it to be unleashed. The windows started to shake from her scream before bursting and shattering completely. Ember them fell to her knees and started sobbing uncontrollably.

Her first sign of magic was strong, strong because she wasn't. That was the day Ember's wall were built, the day she became rebellious, the day she decided she wouldn't let anyone new in. Ember's heart shattered that day as her own mother broke it.

She pulled pieces of glass out of her skin, wincing as she did so. She stood up, brushing the dust off of her. Deciding that if her mother didn't care, she shouldn't be able to control her either. She marched over to the mall, ready to go against whatever her mother's rules were. She went into the mall with a childish outfit, and came out looking like an adult.

Sh walked back home, waiting for  her mother's reaction. As soon as her mother saw her, she stood up and slapped her daughter. hard. 

*dream over*

Ember's body shot up, gasping for air as she tried to gain control over her emotions. She looked over to see Remus reading a book quietly. She admired his ability so seem calm. He had friends that would die for him, she knew her friends would do the same for her. But she never felt as connected to them as she did to Remus and Sirius. They understood her for different reasons but still cared for her with their whole hearts. 

Her eyes the flickered to the door that was just slammed open. Remus's eyes did the same. She saw a fuming Gryffindor boy with messy hair and round glasses storm up to remus and grab him by his collar. Her eyes widened in surprise as she watched the scene unfold. 

James shook his best friends as he yelled at him, "WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH HER MOONY. WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU THINKING. I LOVE HER AND WHAT DO YOU DO-" He was interrupted by some one softly calling his name. He looked over and his breath hitched in his throat as he took in her appearance.

a/n - we found out a bit about some trauma from her past. oops, james is extremely jelly, whats gonna happen to her, will she finally be alright? idk... but what i do know is that im so thank ful for 2.8K AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! ily baes and have a great day!!

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