chapter 46 - dance with the devil part 1

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I'm so pissed off.... I accidentally deleted the scrap I made.... F***.... GAH I don't want to rewrite!!!! :(((

I'm so sorry I was really upset and I can't remember what I wrote and caused me to be unable to write....

I'm so pissed off.... But basically what I wrote was, Philip is again starting a new day in school. Everyone is ignoring him like normal except for, of course, Libya and Egypt. The three of them have to separate everyday since they don't have the same classes together, well on some occasions they do. But, they never gave the first class together. Philip, whilst he was using his locker, noticed how happy everyone is.... They are happy with their friends, chatting and laughing together.... It just makes him really sad to remember the good days with Indonesia and Malasysia. He feels so alone.... He feels as if he doesn't exist..... he doesn't see America and Zeal as often and thus it makes him feel so alone and sad..... He just want to see Zeal again....

But Libya and Egypt always come to his rescue and they stop him from doing anything to harm himself because they show them that they care for him and they love him. Well..... That is a side that no one knows about Philip..... That there were some desperate and sad times when Philip felt so alone... And thus he has body paint which is the same color as his skin and thus if he were to harm himself, he could cover it with a bandage and paint over it with the paint. And besides, their school uniforms are long until their wrists and thus covering their arm.

I forgot what I freaking wrote next..... But basically I wrote, Philip and America had a heated argument because of weapon trading, which is the reason why they ended their military ties. It was quite a long time ago and they made up and we can see that because on the island and weeks before going to the island, they both talk normally and happily like childhood friends should. Although it kinda slipped their minds and they don't like talking about it and so they still haven't decided to redo their military ties for some reason.

And so Philip got acquainted with China and Russia.

Russia was a good trading partner for Philip. He gave what Philip needed and thus they became comrades. china was.... Quite... Well as well.... Although just like with Australia and India and Etc. China had quite a few heated arguments with Philip as well. Because Philip had become a comrade of Russia, maybe that's why Philip got connected to Serbia since Philip did have a few meetings with Russia for military ties (Russia came to Philip more). but Serbia is the one to be the trading partner instead or Russia for some reason. Maybe because Russia was drunk and agreed because he was drunk and he didn't know what he was saying. As if Serbia had planned and took advantage of his cousin's drunken state to transfer the trading contact to him. 

What exactly does Serbia want from Philip?

Philip then walks away and sees a poster on the wall. It caught Philip's attention. What could it be about? Philip then turns his gaze to it, more intently to read what it says.


Serbia calls out to him with his normal smile and mood. Philip ignores Serbia as he reads the poster. 'A dance? A ball?' Philip asks in his mind. 'why would they..... This is just.... Why?!!! When many are in a coma??? Why would they?!!!' Philip is absolutely furious. Of course, he would have enjoyed the upcoming dance with his brothers but..... They are all in a coma.... Well.... Almost of them. Some had awoken which makes Philip more relieved since they will visit later. But still... Philip doesn't like the idea that they are going to have a ball.... What is the point??? What is the cause? They all should be sad because of the incident.... But why... Why are they acting as if nothing happened? Besides the 2,500 population of the school....... Still.... This just seems very cold and... Evil... But then again..... That cannot stop the traditions.... As Philip was about to rip the poster off the wall and complain like a Karen to the Nations, The speakers started to announce a message.

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