Chapter 26: Hangover

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Cole's POV

Why is everything bright here?, I slowly open my eyes, but I close it again because of the brightness. And first of all, I don't know, from where this light is coming?.

"My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite", I hear Luna's voice.

I half open my eyes, and I see Luna, standing in front of me. Her blonde hair, looks like golden strings, as the sunlight passes through them.

"Why are you quoting Shakespeare?", I ask her. While still feeling sleepy.

"Good Morning, Sunshine", why she is yelling?.

"I don't feel like, sunshine", my head is hurting so much. I am feeling like, my brain will explode at any minute.

"Awe! That's bad, but now get up, or we both will get, late for school",

"Why are you so loud, today?",

"I am not loud, you stupid, you have a hangover",



And me?

"No! It's not possible, I don't drink, so how I would have hangover?", I sit up. And I try to fully, open my half-open eyes.

"Of course you, don't drink, you only drink, sex on the beach", Luna chuckles, while stressing on the Sex on the beach.


"Yes!! You drank sex on the beach, though I don't know how many glasses you had, but you were so wasted",

What did I do?, The red drink, which I found tasty, was actually, sex on the beach?.

"On no!!", I press my both hands, on my head.

"Don't worry, I dragged you out of there, before you could make, any scene", Luna tells me, and I feel little relief.

"You just take a shower, and I will go, to have pancakes, which your dad have specially made for me", my stomach feels upset, on the mention of pancakes.

Luna goes out of my room. And I drag myself, from my bed, towards my bathroom.


I thought a shower will help me, to feel a little better, from this hangover, but it didn't help, my head is still hurting. And I just want to close my eyes to sleep.

The smell of Dad's pancakes, hits me. And I just want to puke, in our dinning room.

Sarah is sitting on the dinning table's chair and is having a strawberry Milkshake. Looking at the Milkshake my stomach starts to crawl. And Luna is also having pancakes delightfully. And the sight of the Pancakes making me puke.

I sit beside Luna"Cole have pancakes", Sarah tells me mockingly.

"Yes please Cole", Luna smirks,"have some chocolate syrup over pancakes",

Wow, Great! Luna and Sarah never get along. And now they are getting along, just to mock my hangover.

"Why don't you, have this milkshake", Sarah bring her strawberry Milkshake glass, in front my nose, intentionally.

"Why both you are, doing this to me?", I literally cry like a child.

They both laugh at me,"We are just messing with you, Cole", Luna tells me.


"Because we are enjoying this", Sarah tells me, and Looks at Luna and chuckles.

"It seems, you both are, now best friends",

"Off course not", Luna says,"we just found something, in which we both have, mutual interest",

"Okay then, you both continue, your mutual interest of teasing me, I am not coming to school today", I get up, from my sit.

"Wait", Luna holds my hand, and pulls me down on my seat,"I have specially come here, from the other side of Seattle, to pick you, to go to school, so don't you dare to say, that you are not coming to school",

"So don't tease me", I demand.

"Fine", she smiles. The beautiful genuine smile.

Luna's POV

"What is this?", Cole asks, looking at Romeo and Juliet painting,"I am still drunk?", He rubs his eyes.

"No you are not drunk, I brought this yesterday", I say proudly, looking at the Romeo and Juliet painting.

"Okay, but what is this painting doing here?",

"I gifted this to you",

"What", he frowns.

I gifted the Romeo and Juliet painting, to Cole, because I could not take the painting, to my house. Because if I had taken the painting, to my house, it would have looked like. It is a gift for my mother. So I gifted the painting to Cole.

"Luna how much it cost", he asks me, still frowning. Why is he frowning.

"Just two hundred million dollars", I tell him.

"What?", He asks in surprise.

"Luna...", He looks at Sarah, and then towards me" I want to talk to you alone, in my room", he stands up, from his sit, and goes to his room.

Author's Note
I hope you all liked today's chapter. Stay tuned for next chapter till next Wednesday. And don't forget to vote and comment.
With Lots of Love XX

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