Chpater 9 Helping Ganyu & Going to Shnezhnaya

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Author's note:"Two important things I wanted say.

1. About the name of the water dragon in chapter 8. The name Saphire won. So the for next chapters, the water dragon will be called Saphire.

2. The reade Asura820 made an idea about giving Y/N a berserker potion/mode. I kinda thought over of this idea and so I decided to give Y/N a beserker mode. But I can't decide which form I can give the reader."

(This is the first choice

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(This is the first choice. For someone doesn't know who this is, this is Helix Dragonoid from Bakugan.)


(This is the second choice

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(This is the second choice. This Viper Helios from. He is also from Bakugan.)

P.S. Which season is your favourite season? My favourite season is the second season.


Y/N P.O.V.

After Keqing and I got the artefact, we decided to build a camp. When the night was over, we finally returned to Liyue. Luckily for me that my injuries are completely healed. When we entered the palast, we were greeted by Ningguang. I could tell that she was worried that we didn't returned yesterday.

Ningguang:"Where were you?"

Y/N:"We had to face some problems. Nothing serious."

Keqing P.O.V.

How can he tell that nothing happened serious? He literally died yesterday. Then I saw how he gave her the artefact. Ningguang looked closer at it. 

Ningguang:"This helps more for someone who uses electro skills."

Y/N:"What kind of element do you use?"

Ningguang:"I use the geo element." *returns the necklace* "For me, it's useless. I don't need it."

Y/N P.O.V.

I lied to her when I told her that nothing happened serious. Anyways, she said that she don't need the necklace. Another thing was that the necklace improves electro abalities. Then I remembered that Lisa uses electro skills. I also remembered that I have to go to the store so I can get my materials and pay for it.

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