Chapter Forty-Two: Mackenzie Grant

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I'm not letting her go, I've decided. We haven't moved for about four hours as I keep my arms tight around her waist. Our baby. We're actually going to have a baby. "I have to pee, Mr Grant."

"Don't care." I mumble, still buried in her neck as she hugs me tightly around the shoulders. She laughs, kissing the side of my head before trying to move again. "No." I whine like a toddler and roll so that she's under me, I rest on my elbows and cradle her face with my hands. 

"I am also hungry." She pokes my chin with a massive grin on her face. Yeah, she doesn't care that I'm basically holding her hostage. "How about you go downstairs and pick something for dinner while I pee then I meet you downstairs?"

"But I don't wanna let go." 

"You have to, honey, because I'm about to burst then I'll eat you." I laugh loudly, finally removing my arms from her and rolling on to my back. She eases out of the bed and hurries into the bathroom so I take my orders and head downstairs. "Okay, what did you choose?" I grab her in a deep kiss, realising we haven't done that all day and I lift her onto the counter to match my height. "I am not on the menu, Mr Grant." She huffs out breathlessly, pulling out of the kiss to look at the refrigerator.  

"I couldn't help myself, you look beautiful today." Her cheeks turn a little pink as she thanks me, kissing my cheek a few times before slipping off the counter. 

"I want some chicken, you thinking chicken thoughts?"

"I am definitely not thinking about chicken." I tell her, focusing very heavily on her ass as she bends over to look into the vegetable drawer. 

"God, you're so horny all the time." She comments, laughing at me as she removes everything she needs. "You can help me cook." I groan as she passes me a handful of vegetables, pointing out the knives and the chopping board. 

She hums along to the music as she slices up the chicken and I find myself melting even more. The woman is the love of my life, pregnant with my child and she's so fucking happy. I'm so fucking happy and I can't take the swelling feeling in my chest. Once I've finished with my part of the meal, I sneak up behind her and wrap myself around her again. 

"Are you okay, love?" She asks as she puts the chicken in the pan to cook it. 

"I am perfect." 


I hate cigars but it's customary to smoke one when one of the Old Ladies are pregnant, hence why Gears keeps trying to pass me another one. Thankfully, I managed to avoid the weed filled ones considering I don't want to be high today but Gears and quite a few of the others have not done the same.

The celebration lasted all of ten minutes as now basically every Rider is drawling lazily after consuming more weed than they should've done. I don't think they can even see two feet in front of them as they start chatting absolute shit. "Why is the world spinning so fast?" Runner groans and rolls over to press his face into Romeo's chest.

Romeo and Rubble are the ones that can handle their drugs but as Romeo is clean and sober, he didn't smoke anyway. "Because you're high." Romeo says with a laugh as everyone else seems to contemplate the question themselves, it's not like they can actually feel the world spinning, they're just so fucking stoned.

"Is this what it feels like to be chill all the time?" Bear ponders, rolling his head back on the couch and hanging his tongue out of his mouth like an idiot. He's never been high in his life so it's a new experience for him, especially after Gears had him smoke an entire cigar by himself. We're lucky the women are in the pink room because they're either going to be very amused and start ripping into them or they're going to be pissed.

I am gonna get off scot-free though because I didn't touch the stuff. "You're wound too tight." Boulder replies, happily laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling with an amused smile. Those two are fucking crazy together, I remember when they first met and they were trouble - I'm surprised they work so well together because Boulder brings out the more immature side of Bear most of the time. 

"I am not! I am totally chill all the time." We all laugh at Bear's face as he glares down at Boulder, obviously offended by the suggestion that he's not. 

"No, honey, you're not." Lexie says and Bear freezes, noticing that all of the women have now appeared and he's stoned. 

"I'm sorry." Is all he squeaks as Lexie makes her way over the people on the floor to sit down on Bear. She doesn't say anything so I assume Bear will survive today if he doesn't do anything else stupid. 

Reign isn't as bad as the others, he's had some experience over the years, so Saviour just sits down next to him with Miracle in her lap and curls into his side. I'm not surprised that she's chill about this, she's the zen warrior of the group and Reign needs that, it calms his soul I think.

Hunter is high, which is very fucking rare, I hardly ever see him drunk either so his doped up face is amusing but his eyes don't change when he looks at Marielle. He's so in love with her it's actually disgusting - I really can't say much though. Marielle is the calmest one and she slides into his lap without even questioning anything, accepting his embrace immediately.

Runner is basically on top of Romeo at this point as they hog an entire couch to themselves. Romeo is finding him mighty amusing and won't stop laughing at the random thoughts the idiot keeps spouting about the world. They definitely swap the mature card a lot so I can never tell who is being the adult of the day, the only time they're both adults is around Oliver. 

Breaker is fine compared to the others, just large pupils and a big, dopey grin on his face as Cassidy bounces onto the couch next to him and places a cushion in his lap to lay down on. Cass is the quiet one so I'm not surprised she's not voicing her opinion on the party happening around her, just dozes off instead.

Boulder tries to sit up to welcome Riley down but she just lays down next to him with her head on his chest. I think Riley was a pothead when she was a teenager, she gives off that kind of vibe so she's probably more upset that she didn't get in on the stash. 

Rogue and Nova aren't even here at the moment which I'm not surprised by, they go out whenever they want to and don't come back until late. They're either in that flower field or they're at the orphanage helping out. They're good kids and both of them are strong fighters so we don't worry too much about them. 

Rubble is handling well and Juni is more amused by his state rather than angry as she ruffles his hair and sits in his lap. He disappears into her hair and likely whispers something stupid because she bursts into laughter and smacks him around the back of the head. Probably deserved with him if I'm honest, he says some real wacky shit.

Eva is the last one out, likely checking emails or something but she doesn't even notice the doped up idiots as she sits in my lap, still tapping away on her phone avidly. "You okay?" I ask her as the chatter picks up around the room, the idiots coming out with even more idiotic crap.

"I am perfect. I'm just trying to ease my duties at work before the baby comes, boring admin stuff like that but it needs to be done."

"I love you."

Her grin is blinding as she looks back at me, "I love you, too." 

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