e l e v e n : Detention and confession*

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Eleven: Detention and confession.

DETENTION. WHAT a great way to spend their day. In detention. 

Jude sighed as she walked into the classroom where detention was being held. She was still tired having to wake up for practice though refused to consume caffeinated drinks. She wasn't much of coffee person, only took it when it's necessary. Jude was more into tea, even though she would have to end up going into the toilet too many times because of it. 

The school was empty, except for her and the rest who had detention. She knew they were the only ones at school, but Tate had texted her earlier this morning, saying that Mike Taylor would be joining us. The way he texted was as if he wasn't surprised by it. 

She hadn't technically met Mike properly, though they did exchanged a few 'hello's last night at the dinner party. Or dinner disaster. She felt bad slightly for Malia though. The woman had put all her energy to create a perfect peaceful dinner only to be ruined by Garnet Hawthorne. 

In her opinion, Mike was a decent guy, but she doesn't think that Tate thought the same thing as she had caught him eyeing Mike and a young brown haired girl who she assumed was his sister. 

She pushed open the door of the classroom, and was revealed with chaos. The girl paused at the doorway as she observed what was going on. 

Mike and Tate were yanking each others hair out. Tate in headlock and his hand was pushing Mike's head away from him. Gracie, Rachel and Adam weren't even helping. The blonde-pink haired girl was sitting, leaning back on her chair as she watched the two boys 'fighting', Rachel was encouraging Mike and Adam was telling them to stop only to have them fell on deaf ears. 

Jude was still standing on the doorway, trying to take in what was going on, before finally making her presence known. "It's early in the morning and now you're already fighting?" Jude said as she closed the door. 

The fighting stop, and Tate pulled away from Mike, fixing his clothes before sending a glare at the raven haired boy and then looked back at her with a smile. "Back from practice? How was it?" he asked her. 

The brunette shrugged as she went to the desk next to Tate's. Placing her book that would make her time in detention bearable on the table. "It was fine. A couple of blisters from the strings and sore wrist but overall it's fine."

"You always get hurt over little things, Jude. Las time you got a bruise on your head just because you walk right into the wall." Rachel commented. 

Adam tilted his head in questioning and then looked at Jude. "Is that why you have that purple bruise on your forehead? The one you said that you got from falling of the bed." He asked her. 

"Yes. I fell of the bed and hit the wall. But, it's fine. I'm prone to injuries anyway." 

"You're a walking hazard, Jude" Tate chuckled. Earning an eyeroll from the girl. 

Jude noted that the teacher for their detention was not her, so she turned to the others asking where he was. The one who had answered was Mike which caught her surprised. 

"Mr.Gregory barely comes to detention. All he does is wrote down the instruction of what to do and what not to do during detention and left. No one even follows the rule, so they just skip detention and then come back before Gregory returns to release them." Mike told her. His feet was placed on the table and his arm went behind his back as he closed his eyes pretending to be asleep. 

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