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George pulled back his bow and arrow aiming for the man in front of him.

He shot the bow and it hit the taller in the stomach.

Dread and sadness filled George's body, realizing what he'd done.

Sapnap, Bad, and Antfrost cheered behind him.

George ran over to the bleeding man on the ground.

George put the younger's head on his lap, tears made their way to George's eyes, traveling down his cheeks.

"Georgie.. You won!.." Dream's voice was weak, that only made George sob harder.

"Dream I don't want to lose you.." George sniffled, his brown doe eyes filled to the brim with sadness.

"George? One last favor before I go.." the blonde smiled weakly at George.

"Yes, yes. Anything, what do you need?" George ran his fingers through Dream's fluffy blonde hair.

"Can you sing the song Sunshine before I'm gone?" he asked, voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course!" George smiled sadly.

"You are my sunshine.." George started singing softly.

"My only sunshine..!" Dream sang.

"You make me happy.. When skies are gray.." tears welled in George's eyes.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you.." George whispered.

"Please don't take.. my sunshine, away.." George finished the chorus and sniffled.

Dream was shot by GeorgeNotFound

Dream's body disappeared from George's lap with a puff of gray smoke.

"My sunshine.." George whimpered.

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