Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: XIII


It's only one more week until my best friend and I head to Buffalo to see Ed Sheeran and I'm super excited for that, but mostly I'm excited to spend time with her because all we do is write... Its the first time I'm going to America in my adult life, and I'm mildly excited Dunkin Donuts...? 7-11?

I'll probably just miss Tim Horton's......

Anyway, enjoy this chapter. Louis is blossoming.

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Louis was walking next to Harry toward the back of the property. It was a bit of a hike, but Harry had wanted to see the stables and Louis didn't mind. There was something nice about walking places with Harry that was calming and grounded him. It was cool outside, and Harry had probably been right that last time they'd hiked about it being one of the last nice days. It wasn't raining, not really. It was more foggy and there was a slight mist about the hair and Harry's hair was frizzy with its dampness.

Harry was wearing the yellow hoody that Louis had kept since the day Harry had lent it to him. He'd worn it a few times to bed (Louis was always cold) and it had gone through a wash a couple of times, and he really had meant to return it to Harry, but he kept forgetting. Harry was smiling as they walked quietly next to each other. He lifted a piece of the jumper and brought it to his nose, inhaling deeply.

"Hmm," he made a sound of contentment.

"What?" Asked Louis, looking over to Harry to meet his happy, slightly hooded eyes.

"Smells like you,"

Something funny settled into Louis' gut. He felt his cheeks flame a bit, because he wasn't really sure what Harry meant by that.

"'s a good thing," said Harry, his smile genuine and peaceful.

Louis felt good. He felt warm despite the cold mist that was coating his skin. There was something bubbling in his stomach, making him feel ill-at ease but it wasn't all bad. Even though he'd nearly made the whole thing blow up the previous night, things between he and Harry were nice. He kept feeling a lot of strange flutterings in his stomach and it was pretty unsettling most of the time, but in the same breath, he felt warm and safe. Harry made him feel a strange and unsettling amount of things all at once, but he wouldn't have changed it, even if he could have. Hopefully soon, he'd learn to navigate some of it.

Without thinking, he reached his hand out and grabbed Harry's. Harry's hand, despite the cold air it was still warm and toasty. Harry beamed down at Louis as he carefully wound his fingers through Louis'. He squeezed Louis hand tightly and Louis swore that Harry's smile was the brightest he'd ever seen it. And it seemed like such a small thing, taking his hand. It had been easy and natural. He'd reached out without a thought because it kind of just was how they were. It was how Harry was. Harry always seemed to need to be touching and at first Louis hadn't known how to take that, but now it was a normal part of being around Harry.

"This is nice," said Harry softly, using Louis' hand to pull them closer together.

Louis nodded but didn't say anything, he didn't really need to. Harry was right—it was nice.

"I'm really glad I met you," Harry's voice was soft and open and it felt like there was a lot more behind his words than he was actually saying.

"Glad I met you too, Curly,"

And Louis meant it. He meant it a lot more than his casual words really let on. It wasn't just that he was glad he met Harry. He was glad that Harry got to exist in the same universe as him. The world had a funny way of feeling like a far less awful place with that knowledge and Louis probably would have been happy just to know that someone like Harry existed. Everything had been so bad and so dark for Louis for so long that having Harry in his life was quite literally the best thing that had ever happened to him.

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