Chapter 17 : Repulsive Deeds From The Past

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There is this sheer unexplainable feeling of gratitude to God and a proud sense of humility I had felt every single time. When I had looked at where I am coming from in La República de Dominicana to where I am at now. Trust I had to weather the roughest of storm to get where I am today.

I wholeheartedly agree that sometimes it feels so surreal that I have my own lodge called, 'Summer Inn'. It was my very first baby that was stemmed from my first vision to be an entrepreneur. I had built this beauty from the ground up to this glorious height. Yet every single time that I thought about it I simply couldn't help but smile.

I had arrived about six thirty to start off this Monday morning in a good way. As of now, I was currently in my cosy little office calculating the equation of the expenditures, checking stocks and counting profits. Everything was very much in order and also in my favour. Now this is what I call a fantastic way to start off the remainder of the week.

I had let out contented sigh and just as I am about to head out to the kitchen to brew a little ginger tea.
The landline phone on my desk had started ringing. There I was rooted on spot saying to myself, 'pretend I didn't hear that or go make my tea'. In the end I chose to make my tea. I am simply not me if I am not fully charged for the day with a cup of my tea.

Upon returning to my office I took a whiff of the tea's aroma and smiled before I took a sip. As I am about to take a seat with the streaming cup of hot liquid in my hands. I was frightened so suddenly as the phone started ringing again.

" Jesucristo, what do a girl gotta do to get some rest around here?. Mhm ".
I said in an indignant tone with a scoff.
As I hadn't even realize that the scorching hot liquid had just missed me by an inch. When I grabbed the phone of the hook in an angry manner.

" Good morning Rosálynda Margiñez. So Rosie tell me are you feeling a particular hellish or peckish way this morning?. I'll have you know that is no way to answer a call. I've just gotten some rather interesting news about you. That had suddenly both enthralled and placed me in a state of delirious excitement ".
The stranger said to me in a sarcastic tone from the other end of the line.

" Just who are you?. You know what don't even answer that. Look whoever you are, if you feel you have some how gotten some interesting news on me.
The newsflash is, I...don' I have no secrets and absolutely nothing to hide.
How about this?. You get off my phone and pretend this call never happened. While I will behave thus accordingly as if you hadn't wasted a good minute or two of my day. Good - ".
I said to him in a rather grim tone.

I didn't have any time to deal with an insolent idiot. Dios it was too early for this level of stupidity.

While I may had put on a brave front on the outside. It was a complete different story on the inside. I was starting to feel queasy and overwhelmed by nerves. I was even wondering if it was a loose end. That I had somehow forgotten to tie up from my past. My tea was placed on the table before me, my appetite had suddenly took a turn for the worse.

" Rosie...Rosie... mhm Rosie there is no need to be this irate. The name is Darkstar. Samiel Darkstar and the pleasure to meet your acquaintance is all mine. Maybe I should start by airing out one of your many repulsive deeds.
That you have managed to keep hidden all along. Rosie you may have fooled everyone around you with your sweet and dandy charm, but I know that you are a lethal little minx ".
The stranger on the line said to me in an inconspicuous tone that was somehow laced with humour.

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