eighteen: bellus

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bellus: pretty, beautiful, fine

bellus: pretty, beautiful, fine

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ELARA did not want to die today.

And if it hadn't been for her sporadic magic, she probably would have.

She didn't know how or when it happened. One second, she was being held in a vise-like grip, a wand digging into her throat, raw pain and agony consuming her entire body and the next, she'd felt her magic ripple through her and they were Apparating.

At first, she thought the Death Eater had been the one to Apparate them. But by the way he froze in shock, his muscles going slack around her, she quickly realised it had been her. She'd never Apparated before—she was pretty sure she'd never even learned it before she was captured—but suddenly, they were standing in a different part of the forest.

It wasn't far off from Malfoy and the werewolf—she could still hear sounds of their scuffle—but it was enough of  a surprise to get the Death Eater behind her to loosen his grip. She acted fast on the borrowed time, ramming her elbow into his sternum and relishing in the rush of breath that escaped him before she turned, grabbed his shoulders and brought her knee up into his stomach.

He doubled over with a gasp and she took the opportunity to snatch his wand from the forest floor and put distance between them, her heart pounding fast as her mind sifted through possibilities.

Best case scenario: Her magic decided to show up again and obliterate this man to smithereens.

Middle-case scenario: Malfoy appeared and took him down.

Worst case scenario: The Death Eater Apparated out of here and sold Malfoy out.

She didn't even include possibilities of death, deciding that wasn't something she wanted to think about when she was facing off a Death Eater a foot taller than her.

"Little bitch," he growled even as she raised his own wand to point at him. Her hand was trembling. "You're going to fucking pay for that."

"Yeah?" she bit out, her palms sweating even as she faked bravado. "Let's see you try."

The Death Eater straightened and Elara willed anything to come out of the wand. Anything. Hell, she'd even take a Bat-Bogey Hex at this point.

"Well?" her opponent sneered, taking a step forward. "You going to kill me or not?"

"Yes," she said, calmly, wondering how in the world she would manage it. "I will."

He hissed through his teeth, the mask shimmering in the daylight filtering through the trees. "I'm not going anywhere without you, little girl. The Dark Lord will be so pleased when I bring you back."

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