A Constant

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When I give , I give all of myself,
In my soul , I curve your name,
And the fire between us
I address it , till it meets its end.

When I drown, I space out
My mind , at a plateau
Where my bipolar feelings
Are neither ice nor trully on fire

Is this then a taste of madness?
Perhaps a wave of desperation,
Quivering my whole being to want
You as my constant
Because in the end they all left.

I know we are supposed to talk
But what is there to say
To that heart that is waiting to be left
A heart used to being left in the dark.
How do you teach such a heart
This is it with every vibration of it's existence.

For I have felt once,
I have loved,
Despite being a rebound
I have loved,
Even when they chose another.
I have begged not to be an option ,
I refuse to burn these bridges,
Allow me to feel what it feels like
To be chosen
To be your constant.

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