Chapter 1

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"Dude do you ever think how stupid your last name is?" I turn to face my partner, Noah both of us holding our morning coffee and walking inside the office.

"Definitely better than Newman"

"At least mine makes sense, Noah Newman. Hunter Winsbourgh doesn't make any actual sense, do you know that?"

I open my mouth to reply but get interrupted with my phone ringing.

"Hold that thought" I said, answering my sister's call.

"Hey Rose how's the calls going?"

"It's going well, I actually called you about that".

"Okay sure what's up?" I said sipping my coffee

"There's this place near your building I'm getting lots of calls about. I tried to contact some of the residents but nobody answered, would you mind checking it out?"

"Of course what did they say? Possible dead body?"

"I don't know, probably, I'll text you the address"

"Alright see you sis"

I hung up.

"Come on we're going out"

"But it's not taco Tuesday yet"

I turned to face him. "We're going for a dead body Noah not taco Tuesday"

"Ohh yeah right that's our job"

"And since when do you even eat tacos?".

"Oh no, I don't it just seems fun"

"Whatever" I roll my eyes and leave holding up my car keys to unlock it as I roll into the driver's seat and Noah into the passenger seat.


"Just break the door" Noah said for the eighteenth time during thirty minutes as I kept knocking.

"We can't just break doors" I let out a sigh, resuming what I was doing.

"Of course we can, we're the FBI we can do anything we want."

"This badge has it's honor and I didn't take it to disrespect it and so shouldn't you."

"Hey, I'm not disrespecting it, I love my job as much as you do, I'm just saying, there could be a person choking, unable to open the door."

"Alright fine" I breathed as we both took steps back and forth for the first time, then the second, by the third we were able to break the door.

We stepped inside to a dark place as we both held our flashlights taking slow steps, hearing every single step we took and the wood beneath our feet screeching among every step.

We stopped in track as I felt some cold liquid run down my shoes.

I aimed my flashlight downwards, to see what I was used to seeing everytime through my job, a dead body, a bleeding dead body to be exact.


"They pulled out his ID. His name is Will Archers, 32 years old, an architect. I sent you his file,take a look at it. They still have to do the autopsy but the estimated time of death is about nine fifty four."

"Okay" I nodded as I continued staring at the victim.

"What's wrong?" Noah asked as he stood besides me.

"Nothing, it's just, this guy could have been something in his life he still had a long way to go but now he is just here, dead."

" I understand, the best we can do is find out what happened to him"

"yeah, you're right, I'll go take a look at his file"


"It says here he was married"

"Funny I don't see any ring"Noah exclaimed

" Should we go talk to the wife? "

" Yeah sure, head down to the car I'll wrap it up with the forensic team"


I headed outside the building and stood by the car waiting for Noah as I saw him approaching, I started the car engine, and waited for him to get in, then started driving.

"Her name is Alexandra Banks, 29 a nurse she is working the night shift at the St. Patrick hospital. She'll probably be heading to work so we better hurry" Noah informed

"Hey, do you have any thoughts on this case? With the forensic team, did they find something" I explained gesturing my hands.

"What's wrong with you? You're not okay"

"Wait what?, why?"

"You're using your hands, you never use your hands"

"That's not true I do use them sometimes"

"Okay then why didn't you right now?"

"Because.." I tried bringing my hand up to my chest but just couldn't

"You're right" "I'm feeling something about this case"

"Trust me, it's gonna be fine"

"Yeah, you're right maybe I'm just overthinking it let's just head to see that woman"


I knocked on the door as I waited for the woman to open.

"I'm coming" I heard a yell from inside.

A few seconds later, the door was opened.

"Take the lead" I whispered to Noah as he was within close distance, the woman unable to hear.He did as I asked while I zoned out, which I have never done during work, there's a first time for everything.

"If it is something important as you are saying you should come in" The woman's voice broke my trance as she showed us the way inside their house, it was pretty big though as if they were expecting a family of at least three children.We sat down on the couch that she led us to I kept examining the place noticeably while Noah kept on speaking.

"We must inform you that we found your husband dead in an apartment we don't know anything, his wrist was cut off with a knife there still aren't exact results on what happened but we thought to stop by and tell you before we find out anything."I cut Noah as I felt the sudden urge to tell her immediately

" Are you joking right now?, is this some kind of a joke? If it is please stop it" she had a light forced smile on her face, not believing but her facial expression was showing some sort of belief.

"We are not, we are very sorry for your loss but we must ask you a few questions."

"This can't be happening right now" her hands found their way through her hair constantly as she kept repeating the same words.

"Can you please come back tomorrow I'm not really good right now"

"We just need to ask you a few questions"

"Oh yeah of course I would totally love to answer your questions right after you two just told me my husband died" I could sense the sarcasm in her voice while saying that.

"Come on let's go, sorry for your loss we'll be back tomorrow" Noah immediately pulled me away trying to cool down the heated situation.

"This woman is gonna be tough to work with"

"Why don't you try putting yourself in her place, two men just barged in claiming there was something important she just thought we were the insurance guys telling her they had to pay extra but instead telling her that her husband is dead"We both paused for a minute.

"Doesn't seem that easy right?"

"Try to understand your suspects Hunter, that would be better" He rolled his eyes as we got in the car.

I drove him to the office, which was 10 minutes away, to get his car and drive home,while I drove to mine. I should really start doing what he recommends. Oh boy, tomorrow is gonna be interesting.

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