three ☽

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the next morning taehyung felt like jelly. reminding himself to never go out that late with yoongi again. you still have a job taehyung and important one as well he mentally scolded himself.

"ah taehyung!"

perfect timing. why did his mother have to call for him now? right after walking up. that woman can read him like an open book and she'll know he was up to no good. reluctantly he turned around to meet his mother's eyes that were happy but then narrowed as she saw the state her son was in.

"what did you do kim taehyung?"

oh no he's dead. he smiled trying to think of an excuse.

"i- uh- i stayed up late reading last night." great taehyung because that's very believable. "mhm what book were you reading?" oh no. think taehyung think.

"i- uh- hey mother did you finish making them scones from yesterday?"

"trying to change the subject are we? nuh-uh you tell me what you were doing last night that made you look so tired this fine morning." she said her patience narrowing.

"i'm waiting."

he gulped. "i was with yoongi in the royal gardens last night."

surprisingly his mother's face lit up at the mention of yoongi. "ah really taehyung? wow he's a good boy, i'm glad your on good terms with the future king. i remember when you two were younger the both of you hated each other. no idea why."

"haha me neither but yes we are good- ahem- friends now mhm." his mother simply nodded putting on her apron.

"well are you just gonna stand there? those potato's aren't going to peel themselves you know." confused taehyung looked up at his mother.

"i don't work in the kitchen mother?"

"i know you don't but there's a feast and ball tonight therefore i need all the help i can get. chop chop start peeling those spuds."

taehyung grimaced. he's not a good cook but i mean if all he has to do is peel vegetables then he guesses that's fine. no harm can be done from that.

the castles was lively. all the servants getting ready for tonight's ball. sadly taehyung had to do most of the heavy lifting as he's one of the younger more fitter servants in the castle, compared to a lot of the others, so he got dumped with all the hard jobs. he's been going non-stop for hours now and it didn't help that he only had a few hours sleep and he hasn't seen yoongi all day.

he misses the little serotonin boosts he gets from the smaller boy. he misses the boy. he wants to kiss his pouty lips and hold him in his arms. he wants to sit the boy in his lap and just embrace him. make him feel safe and comforted. he wants to be with him but he can't. not right now.


yoongi is not okay.

he's been practically held hostage in his room all day with only his maids. all he wants to do is go outside in the fresh air and maybe find taehyung if he's not busy. he wants to sit in the gardens reading a book but he can't.

instead he has people surrounding him and asking him about the ball tonight, which mind you, he didn't know about until he woke up. it didn't help that people are teasing him and asking if he'll dance with a princess tonight. sorry but no, he does not want to dance with a princess.

he doesn't even want to go to the ball at all. social settings aren't really his thing as he, in all honesty, doesn like people very much. so the thought of having to mingle with a lot of people for hours tonight is all in alltiring to think about.

he wants to see taehyung. i mean he saw him last night but they always try and talk or be with each other at least once a day to see how the other is doing but today is different as yoongi is stuck in his room and the boy knows how busy taehyung is. of course he is. he's a great help and he'd always help someone in need of it. that's one of the many things yoongi loves about him. only thinking of taehyung put a smile on yoongi's face. yeah he's whipped but i mean, who wouldn't be.

"your highness?"

"mhm." yoongi looked up from where he was looking in his lap. "oh sorry my prince but you zoned out and i need to ask whether you'd like to wear royal blue or turquoise to the ball tonight?"

"forgive me miss." yoongi kindly smiled. "i'd like to wear the royal blue."

"yes sire." she bowed nodding her head and swiftly left the room.

yoongi let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. lying back on his bed he decided to just relax before the ball tonight. he needs to or else he'll be an awkward mess and that's the last thing he wants. i hope i see taehyung there. he smiled to himself instantly calming down when thinking of taehyung encouraging him.

there's gonna be a long night ahead.


i'm surprisingly loving how this story is going so far? wow never thought i'd be satisfied with my writing.

any thoughts?

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