Y/n won't get lung cancer, she's built different

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I lowkey like the way I'm writing Haru's personality, but not the part where he's an ass yet to be revealed. This is so annoying.

Y/n's pov

"What are you doing on your laptop?" Haru asks.

"School," I say before taking a rather large bite of my burrito.

"So you run away but you still do classwork?" he asks. "What's the point?"

"If I don't do my work then the school will call my mom," I say. "Then I'll be in deep shit."

"Doesn't your mom know?" he asks. "Like hasn't your brother told her?"

"Yeah because my brother is gonna go tell my scary mom that somehow he let me run away," I say. "Do you even have a brain up there?"

"How was I supposed to know?" he asks. "You didn't tell me."

"I don't have to tell you," I say.

"I bought you lunch," he says. "Least you could do is not insult me."

"You invited me over," I say. "So you have to deal with it."

"Why are you always so grumpy?" he asks.

"I've been living in a hotel for like a month," I say. "And I rarely leave, I'm stressed okay?"

"Yeah, I get it," he says. "So are things getting better with your brother?"

"Nope," I say. "Every time I call he's just rude, he's not nice anymore."

"Anymore?" he asks. "So he was before?"

"Yeah, he was like the best," I shrug. "Kinda like a butler, or a dad, nah not a dad. I don't know how to describe him, he was kinda like a really responsible toddler."

"That's not making any sense," he says.

"He's really dense," I say. "But he's like really nice to some people, especially me."

"Okay, so what do you think changed?" he asks.

"I don't know," I say. "Just stuff I guess."

"Well don't you have any other friends you can talk to?" he asks.

"Well yeah I have friends," I say. "But I'm just trying to distance myself from them, and I don't wanna bother them."

"I bet they won't be bothered by it," he says. "They should understand."

"They can't understand because then it will be a nuisance," I say. "It makes sense in my head, don't worry about it."

"Okay then," he says.

"That sounds like you're judging me," I say.

"I'm not," he shakes his head. "Just thinking."

"You think I'm being a complete child about this whole situation," I say. "I should just go back home and pretend like this never happened."

"Well it sounds like your brother was being a bit childish too," he says. "It sounds like he owes you an apology."

"He's not gonna give me one unless I go back," I say. "I hate it. Should I just go back?"

"He should just give you one over skype or whatever," he says. "Better to try to make things a bit better before you two are face to face, you guys might get into a worse fight."

"Yeah, I guess," I say. "I probably should try to fix things a bit before I go back, you can't really hang up on someone in real life."

"If only that was the case," he says. "That'd be pretty useful, wish I could just pause people sometimes."

"Yeah," I nod my head. "I'd pause my brother and yell at him, everything I want to say."

"Would you pause anybody else?" he asks.

"I'd also pause someone else, and tell them everything in my head," I say. "Tell them everything ever, then hug them for a very long time."

"And who's that?" he asks.

"Just someone," I say. "Not important."

"Well why don't you just do that anyway?" he asks.

"Because they're too nice, and they put me before everything," I say. "They shouldn't have to do that."

"Well maybe they just want to," he says. "Or they feel like they need to."

"It shouldn't be like that though," I sigh. "That's why I won't tell them anything until I have to."

It's so funny because you guy's haven't figured out what I'm planning yet.


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