☁️🌶️ jealous kirishima X reader

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You arrived at the fairgrounds a few minutes early which is unusual for you. You were there to meet kirishima for a date. The two of you had been dating for around half a year but since neither of you could remember the exact date, you go out on a date every week.

You sat at a bench outside and patiently waited. You were listening to music and swaying your head back and forth gently. You felt a tap on your shoulder, you turned around expecting Kiri but instead your were met by monoma. You and monoma sort of got along? But not really. He was your ex. It was going great until you got into the hero corse in your second year. You were moved to the hero course after saving a certain shark boy during an attack. After you moved he was cold to you and bitter.

You took out an ear bud. "O-oh hey monoma" you smiled nervously. "Y/N, It's Great to see you!" He said with his not so charming smile. "Yes you too. Um what are you up to?" You ask.
"Well I'd never miss the fair, cmon Y/N, we used to come here all the time don't tell me you've forgot" he said a little teasingly "so what are you doing here hmm?" He asked sitting down next to you. "Oh I'm meeting kirishima here" usually you would call him your boyfriend, but there was something stopping you from saying it to him even though he knows you two are dating. "Aww replaced me already?" He said draping himself over you. "N-no! Well sort of but- wait no that's not what I meant- I- uh" you nervously stuttered. "Adorable as always! Calm yourself I'm only joking" he said pulling on your cheek.

Kirishima entered and instantly spotted you bit there was someone in your lap? "Adorable as always!" He heard. He could tell by your gestures that you were uncomfortable and didn't know what to do even though he was behind you. He walked up and put his arm around you defensively. "Oh Kiri!" You say jumping a little.
"Hey babe, what's uh what's going on?" He said giving monoma the stink eye. You blush, he doesn't usually call you babe. He usually called you some adorable pet name like pebble ( if you know, you know😏) you knew he was serious. "I was sat here and monoma spotted me so we were just catching up" you say. Monoma sat up and returned Ejiro's death stare. "That's greateee" he said extending the 'ate' part. "Well it was lovely seeing you as always.. but me and my baby are going to enjoy the fairground." He said raising you up by your waist.  And dragging you away.

"K-kiri? Are you mad?" You say. He didn't slowdown "nope. Not at you at least." He said gritting his teeth. You stopped at the ticket booth and bought your day trip wristbands. He was tapping his nails on the counter as you waited for the lady to get them. You got up on your tip toes and kissed him on the cheek in hopes to calm him down. He chuckled and pecked you on the lips. "A kiss on the cheek, who do you think I am" he said quietly smiling at you.

You walked through the gates holding hands and gasped at the site of a huge rollercoaster that did loopty loops (don't pretend you don't call them that😹) "can we go on that" you say shaking the hand in yours up and down. "Yeahhh!" (Present mic that you?) He said excitedly. You both ran to the line and jumped up and down until it was your turn.

You had your arms up the entire time.

When you got off you both went to look at the photos. You were looking at the one of you and Kiri. "Aww we had our eyes closed" you sighed giggling. Kiri however was looking at the picture of monoma who was in the seats behind you. He had his eyes open. He was looking at you. "It was probably a coinkidink. Come on Kiri" you say tugging at his arm. "Heh coinkydink" he replied following you. It was difficult to be mad or upset around you, you were too damn adorable! You both went to the carnival games where there was one where you had to shoot the sharks and knock them over. "hey look," you turn to Kiri. "We match" he opened his mouth and moved with the sharks. You cup his face dying of laughter. "Your such a dork" you say squishing his cheeks.

He once again saw monoma with 2 cones of candy floss/cotton candy. 'good he can go simp over someone else.' Kiri thought 'wait, he's coming over here.. '
"Hey Y/N, I didn't have change so I had to get 2 of these, do you want one?" Monoma said standing in-between you and Kiri. You could tell he was angry. "O-oh I- thanks monoma" you say taking it. He gave you a closed eye smile. During this you looked at Kiri and telepathically asked for help (not literally, telepathy isn't your quirk I mean just with your eyes unless telepathy is your quirk idk it's up to u) "ok, great now go and have fun somewhere else" he said slightly pushing him away. Monoma turned his shoulder to stone using his copycat quirk. Kiri turned his to stone and they started shoulder budging each other. "A-anyway, I want to go to the ghost train so I'll see you later monoma" you say dragging Kiri by the shirt. After waving at each other, you turned to Kiri and and slithered your hand into Kiri's clenched fist. "You ok?" You ask as he un-furrowed his brows and turned to you. "Yea.. hey look! A piranha tank!" He said his tone changing completely. You both ran over to it and looked at them swimming in the water. It was a lucky dip sort of thing, there were prizes in the water. "Wait people have to reach their hand on there!?" You say worried. "Well yea, but the person who runs this has a painkiller quirk, and they can heal the injuries" Kiri says reassuring you. "I'd still rather not put my hand in there. I don't want to be bitten" you say continuing to look in the tank. "Your teeth are kind of like these piranhas" you chuckled. "My bites are better!" He said closing in on your neck. "Kiri noooo" you joke as he begins to bite up and down your neck playfully. He laughed into your neck as you laugh uncontrollably. "It tickles!!" You say between laughs.

"Mind if I take a bite~" someone hummed behind you. You both instantly knew it was monoma. "Ok man, that's it, the fuck is your problem?" He said pulling you behind him. "I can't see any problems" monoma said. "Then why won't you leave us alone!?" He said taking a step forward. "Oh Y/N, i can't believe you replaced me with this 2A thick skull." He said rolling his eyes. Monoma took a step to the side and leaned over you pinning you to the tank. "Why don't you ditch him and come with me~" he said leaning his face in. You faced away from him and squeezed your eyes closed. "No you had your chance with them, and you screwed up. But do you know who was there to comfort them? Me." Kiri ripped him away from you and pushed him to the ground. "While you were off being a dick, I had to watch Y/N breakdown over a nobody jerk, you have no idea how hard that was to watch, because you were never there for them!" He yelled. By now there was a big crowd surrounding you. "So weather they want to go with you or not I won't won't let them, I won't let you hurt them again!" He picked monoma up by the shirt and yelled in his face. He threw him at the ground. "Now walk your nobody ass out of here and if I so much as see you eyeing them up, I will pummel you into the ground." Monoma stood up with his hands in his pocket and stormed off scowling.

There was a pause before somebody in the crowd began to clap and one by one everyone began clapping and cheering for Kiri. You ran up and hugged him from behind. He turned around to face you and cupped your face to make you look at him. You smiled at him "what did I do to deserve you" you smiled at him. He leaned down and kissed you, but not too much because there was a crowd and you know, PDA.

The crowd dispersed and he pulled you into the mirror maze. He pinned you to a mirror and hugged you. It was quite dark in there with a blue hue. You wrapped your arms around his back. He looked at you and rested his head on your chest. "I'm sorry for causing a scene.." he said sorrowfully. "What? No way don't be sorry! That was the most wonderful thing anyone's ever done for me!" You say picking his face up from your chest. He smiled "your the best" he said before kissing you passionately. You both giggled into each other. You broke the kiss for air. "Do.. do you just want to go home? I think I need to.. get some rage out of me.. if you know what I mean. And I can't do that here" Kiri said. You blushed realising what he meant. "Yes." He took you by the hand.

"Wait.. how do we get out..?"

(ok, if this wasn't the most wattpad esque story idek XD)

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