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Last night I was thinking of you. Just before I fell asleep I thought of something. I'll never be able to ask you out. To go on a date with you. I then decided to write you one. But first;

Dear my dear, would you give me the honour of having you for the evening? Maybe it is not the evening where you are but, let's pretend a bit.

A picnic! What do you think about that? Enough cliché for you?

I would start by picking you up at your house and open you the car's door. Romance isn't dead after all? There would still be light outside. I would then compliment you about your outfit. I would drive you to my favourite spot, where you can see the sunset. I know you love them. Anyway, who doesn't like that? After placing the sheet on the grass, I would go to get the little basket of food in the back of my car and then sit with you. Watching the sun give way to the stars. Don't worry, we wouldn't be alone. I don't want to make you uncomfortable at the first date dearest. We would talk while eating the cheap food I bring in that little basket. I would ask you every question that comes to my mind. And everything you would tell me would make me want to know you even more. The way you think makes me want to be better. Better for you. When the sun would be completely gone, we would move closer to warm up a bit of the cool breeze. Perhaps our hands would meet each other. Perhaps our lips too.

I would realize how lucky I am to have your precious time.

Our eyes would meet and I would feel those chills I feel every time I see your face. At the end of the night, I would take you home.

On the way back, I would probably wonder over and over again if I was correct. "What does they think of me?"

It may be a bit simplistic as a first date, but I hope you enjoyed it. Even if only a little.

I wish I could replace those ''would' by ''will''.

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