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This is what the world is for

Making electricity



"Harry, I'm fine." She tells me, rolling her eyes and placing the ice from the machine in the hallway into the bag, and pressing it to her face.

"Ben, you were punched in the face for the first time ever tonight... it had to hurt." I return, desperately trying to get her to let me help.

There wasn't much I could do now either but I felt guilty.

The past seven, well, almost eight days, have been absolute hell. The last time I saw Bentley I was breaking down and knocking her out with chloroform, and now we were in Lake Como... in the same hotel room, and she was sitting across from me on the counter of our bathroom.

The drive up was fast because that's who Bentley Hale was. The fastest girl on earth when behind the wheel. Perfectly reckless... but tense. It took everything in me to tell her to loosen up but even though her grip was firm her energy was carefree and I automatically calmed down.

Seeing her today was like seeing the light for the first time ever. My whole body was buzzing in anticipation that the next time that the door swung open, Bentley fuckin' Hale would be knocking it down and killing everyone right away.

I was a little out of it when I first saw her and couldn't stop myself from embracing her like I never had before, in sheer desperation and complete satisfaction. I could tell she was glad to see me too, especially when she kissed me with a busted lip. Feeling her skin beneath my fingertips reminded me partially of the reason that I didn't let those fucking idiots kill me is because I wanted to feel her again.

Checking into this boutique hotel was painfully awkward too. Bentley and I looked like nomad street fighters from our lack of luggage and how pummeled we were, but thankfully the majority of the injuries on my face weren't as bad after cleaning off the dry blood on me. She kept her hood up and sunglasses on and it was past three in the morning so nobody but the concierge paid much attention.

We had a lot to talk about, that's for sure. Seeing as we won't be in Oakland at least for the next few days, we were putting it off. The plan had changed completely and we discussed it in the car. No more Madrid until I was healed, no more leaving her without warning, no talking about what happened before I left until we were back in California, and I had to call Luna to let her know I was healed, safe, and in hiding until everything blew over.

She was happy to see I got the job done and told me she'd have someone take care of making sure that the people that held me were blocked out from society in general.

Luna had garnered enough power to take down a whole mafia and that alone was proof that she's gotten more dangerous. Bentley is the last name on the hit list and I didn't plan on making it that far down it because why does it even matter if Bentley lives or died if Luna's going international? Shit wasn't adding up as perfectly as before and it was stressing me out even more.

The combination of a beaten Bentley and my boss' suspicious activity is enough to send me plummeting over the edge and-

"Harry, I can take a punch. I'm okay, I promise." She tells me, her deep brown eyes nesting in my soul. "You aren't beat up too bad."

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